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LaVieEnRose's Blog

My DH is the biggest problem. (language)

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I use to have to deal with batshit crazy BM and now DH is my biggest problem. Batshit crazy BM is still batshit crazy and still stupid as fuck, but DH isn't being much better at this point.
I don't think I can last much longer. He seriously expects me to do everything for SD, but won't lend a hand to help me out with our kids. He can say whatever he "hates" about our kids, but I can't say shit about SD or I'm mean and evil. He can shove SD up his fucking ass, she's use to living in shit at BM's house anyways, she'll feel right at home.

A stepmom warned me, but I didn't listen.

LaVieEnRose's picture

I was warned by a stepmom that it was going to be really hard. She told me to think it through if I would really want such a difficult life. I left my family and friends and moved far away to be with DH. She told me it wasn't going to get easier down the line, but most likely a lot harder.
She said that in the beginning me and DH might be madly in love and in our honeymoon fase, but that that fase will go away and our love needs to be really strong to survive.

Not the same.

LaVieEnRose's picture

This is my first post. I have been reading on here for a while. I see posts that I can relate to and it's nice to know I'm not the only person out there feeling this way. I have 2 biokids with my H and one SD(7). Our bios are DD2 and DS11months.
My H has always put SD7 first. He wanted to have children with me and was the one who said when he wanted for us to start having them.