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LauraKR's Blog

Research Question?

LauraKR's picture

Does anyone out there know the statistics for failed father/daughter relationships after divorce?
I feel sure there must have been some research done on this or similar subjects, just can't find anything.
The more i read on this site the more i realise i am far from alone with these stepchildren issues, which i must say is a comfort.

Very Odd Behaviour!

LauraKR's picture

My husbands 2 adult daughters have continued to make demands and cause us difficulties over the years and i just wondered whether anyone would like to comment or to reassure me that they have had similar things to contend with.
They have demanded of their father the following:-
1. "You promised us you would never re marry after you divorced mummy and now you have married "that woman" we will never speak to you again"! (They do still speak to him but not me)

Strange Behaviour

LauraKR's picture

Has anyone ever experienced this situation or anything like it?
I do not have a relationship with my husbands 2 daughters so this actually affects only my husband at the moment. I think everyone here would say that I'd 'disengaged' with them. Won't bore you with the reasons but I had to distance myself from them.

I am Invisible!

LauraKR's picture

I have recently discovered that my husband of 3 months has decided it is best not to discuss me, our recent wedding or any subject that might acknowledge my existence in front of his 2 daughters. My mother in law apparently does the same and avidly hides any pictures of me or us together. I am not angry about this as i find it really bizarre (and somewhat hilarious) I have no actual relationship with my husbands 2 daughters and haven't had for some years(they are 22 & 24) so I have no room to complain about any of this really. But does anyone think this is bloody odd behaviour?!

My 2 StepHorrors

LauraKR's picture

My husband and have been married for 3 months and have been together for nearly 8 years. We are very happy together and love each other desperately.
Now for the bad bit!
I don't have any children myself but my husband has 2 daughters aged 24 and 22.
I met them for the first time as I say nearly 8 years ago (they were 16 and 14 then)and unfortunately they hated me on sight.