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ms.blessed.n.distressed's Blog

what are all the posts on Crew about??

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Apparently I missed something but I keep seeing comments talking about drama going on with Crew and comments talking about a newbie war going on for the last couple of days?? Just would like to know wth everyone is talking about... So if someone could clue me in or post some links I would appreciate it. Im not positive but I thought Crew was somebody I liked and her posts were always similar to my own experiences... But then again im horrible with remembering names and I always have to go thru someones blogs to recall who exactly they are... Lol. So who knows.

this was a reply on someone elses post but they deleted it... so here i go... its about the bullying on here...

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

I'm sorry and Echo I have always appreciated your posts and your advice. I have been here for a while now and I'm sorry but I agree with Knucklehead... I usto post quite often and I loved being able to give my advice and support to those sparents that I felt I could help. But within the last month or two, quite a few new people have joined steptalk and its just not the same. There has been a lot of cruelty, back biting, bullying, ect. There has not been very much support, kind words, helpful advice, ect lately. And it truly makes me sad.

Court this week and i really need some advice, pointers and encouraging words please?!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

I'm really scared she will get some outrageous child support amount granted and back support. We have had SS11 60% of the time and always bought all of his clothes, shoes, haircuts, extra curricular activities, school supplies, cell phone, ect for BMs house. We have never had a legal arrangement. She is taking us now bc we set boundaries and she did NOT like that. Every since she filed she has been horrid.

Beware... I have noticed that a lot of ppl have signed up for stalk in the last 24hrs

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

AND most of them seem to think like our psycho BMs. :? I've heard a few say some crazy nonsense about how its ok for BM to call SMs DH every day and for them to talk for 15mins each day when SM is NOT around. I've heard some say that skid that calls SM lazy and bad mouths her to her FACE, that SM doesn't have a right to say nor punish, SM should only give words of encouragement and leave disapline up to DH AND BM. :O I've seen about 5+ users that have very different views than what a SM should/would. Now I'm NOT saying ALL new users are like this at all!!

Beware... I have noticed that a lot of ppl have signed up for stalk in the last 24hrs

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

AND most of them seem to think like our psycho BMs. :? I've heard a few say some crazy nonsense about how its ok for BM to call SMs DH every day and for them to talk for 15mins each day when SM is NOT around. I've heard some say that skid that calls SM lazy and bad mouths her to her FACE, that SM doesn't have a right to say nor punish, SM should only give words of encouragement and leave disapline up to DH AND BM. :O I've seen about 5+ users that have very different views than what a SM should/would. Now I'm NOT saying ALL new users are like this at all!!

AMAZING idea for the next time your much too old sbrat lays all over your DH making u want to puke!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

I bet this will end their creepy a$$ behavior!!!! Esp for the boys, girls might have to be a little older... And the best part is YOU WILL NOT BE ACCUSED OF BEING EVIL SM FROM ANYONE (except maybe sbrats) It's such a grand idea. Why didn't I think if it before?!!!

Money Hungry BM's, ugh they sicken me!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

BM's always always are money hungry... I mean HELLOOO why cant they seem to get it thru their heads that If they never had a child with our DH that BM would still HAVE to have a place to live, pay their own rent, utilities, car payment, insurance, vacations, food, clothing, ect ALL ON HER OWN- So why do they BM feel the need to hit our DH up for EVERYTHING?? I cannot believe the court system! It's like, BM should support HER kid when the kid is with her and DH should support the kid when he has it. It should be with each parent 50/50, all costs should be 50/50.

Stand up for yourself, family and home!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Quit allowing your DH, BM, SKids to run your life!!!! Stand up for yourself and if your demands are not met let it be know there will be consequences!!!!! And do not, I repeat do not, make empty threats!!!!! Some of this stuff I read on here is absolutely absurd!!!!! I cannot believe that anyone would stand for this abuse from a man that is supposed to love you and spend his life with YOU. Make your DH grow some balls with BM and SKids!!! Make them stand up for you!! Make them disapline their brats!!! Make them all respect you!!! Only YOU have control over YOUR life!!!

Things to do/think about before you get serious/ marry someone who has kids with an ex.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Ok so I posted this as a comment on someone else's blog and I thought I should share it with everyone. It is definately something every blended couple should think about and do before getting really serious, or married. If you are already serious or married it is still something you should talk with your spouse about. I have done a lot of research and I talked to my hubby a few weeks ago.
