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Dutenbager24's Blog

Does it ever get better?

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BM of my SS7 and SD5 is has no rules. Took my husband's time away from him today to take the kids to the pool and told them dad might ruin their day by taking them from the pool. Except not only does she not have rules and allows whatever they want, she tells them their BD is mean to them for making them follow rules and SS7 told me he isn't even allowed to say my name there or she gets "ALL WEIRD" and yells at him. SD5 thinks she doesn't have to do anything I tell her because her bm has told her not to listen to me and rewards her for that behavior when she gets back to her house.

I'm at my wit's end, to the point I want nothing to do with my step kids

Dutenbager24's picture

I have a ss7 sd5, bd4, bd7 and we have my girls always. Every single night we have his kids there is a problem!! My husband and I never fight unless it's a Wednesday, we have perfect harmony in our home wiht my girls here, but as soon as his kids come they destroy my girls room, which my husband makes them share a room with their stepsister even though they don't want to cause she's a snot to them and messes their room then leaves, guess who ends up cleaning.