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DISGUSTED -- abuse

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My SO and his BM have no custody agreement. It works out pretty well, whenever she wants her, she calls and we're good about it. Her Mom has her a few times a week if we're lucky. Well she had her yesterday, and the day before. I went to go pick the baby up from day care (she's 4), and her teacher said that she hit a girl, and SPIT on a boy! I was raised by a great family as was my SO. We're a young couple but we are very well put together. He owns his own business and I am going to school to be an attorney.

At what age should SD and DH no longer see eachother undressed?

demidee's picture

I'm not concerned because there hasn't been anything appropriate said or done by my SD. But she is four years old and now that she is realizing that we all have different body parts, I'm wondering if maybe it's time she gives her Dad privacy while he changes. I think he is okay helping her get dressed when she needs help eventhough that is usually my job, but I'd just like a little input because I'm new at this and just don't know. Thanks guys!


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I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 years and he has a 4 year old who spends the majority of the time with us. I love this little girl to death and treat her like she is mine. BM does take care of her financially (buys her clothes, toys, pays half of daycare), but in general isn't a "good" mom. She smokes weed around her and doesn't really spend time playing with her and reading to her like we do. I'm very interested in Power of attorney for a minor child, but I know that BM would not be on board.

Night time is adult time?!

demidee's picture

I'm new here and I have a wonderful four year old SD. I'm young, still in college, and have no kids of my own. I love this little girl to death, and me and my DH have her 4-5 times a week. But whenever she is here her Dad forgets I exist. And if he tries to give me a hug, then she throws a tantrum! She is Daddy's little girl, which I love, but he let's her do anything and everything. And BM's boyfriend recently went to jail, so since then, SD has been sleeping with her mom, and REFUSES to sleep in her bed. I don't know what to do.