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smommy1's Blog

For those who think this site is relatively private.

smommy1's picture

I've read more than a few times on here that the way people stumbled across this site is by typing in some obscure phrase on google. I just wanted to give a heads up that when you google the word "stepparent", this site shows up 6th on the list.

I've googled other terms and blogs from this site have shown up in my search. I visit other message boards and this site has been mentioned.

For anyone who doesn't want to be found and wants to stay completely anonymous, please keep your details to a minimum because this site actually has a lot of exposure.

The way we do things

smommy1's picture

I just did my very short intro, I'd like to blog a little more about my personal life.

Like I said, SK comes to see us every weekend. We've had our ups and downs but mostly, things have been up. I like to attribute that to the work that DH and I put in to my relationship with SK.

BM used to drive me a little nuts but I operate under the idea that she doesn't really exist for me. I have spoken to her on the phone and through e-mail, I've met her in person. But all those times were because I *wanted* to, not because I felt like I had to.

Brand Spankin New

smommy1's picture

Hi out there, I'm new to Steptalk (well I've lurked here for the last couple of weeks).
I have a 9 year old SK that we see every weekend and sometimes more. I don't have any children of my own yet but thats not for lack of wanting. DH and I have a few "road blocks" in our way and we're in the midst of sorting that all out.

Nice to "meet" you all.