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Stepmonster15's Blog

May or may not have told biobitch she has NPD...

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So biobitch has come onto a new low of attacking mine and dh marriage because clearly she has nothing better to do. Bringing things about him and I up to her lawyer, trying to threaten him by making things up and telling me stories if she doesn't get her way etc etc. I had enough and may have sent a very nicely worded note telling her she has narsassistic personality disorder and that she should get checked out ( in addition to a few other niceties of course - just facts and observations ofbher behaviours and such). 5 years and never once have gotten involved...

Overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, not sure what to do

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Hi. I'm new to the site. Step mom to 2 boys 10 and 12, married 4 years. Feeling like I'm close to the end of my rope and my mom told me I should find some step parent support groups so... here I am. We just finished dealing with court to get an established parenting schedule and the judge did not allow 5050 parenting. We started the process in 2020 because BioMom was withholding time, not abiding by agreed upon pick up times, manipulating the kids, sheltering, spoiling, trash talking dad, bla bla you all know the story I'm sure.