0173wendy's Blog
OMG, when will it end!
Hello, i need to vent. I am battling the mil. She helped raise my dh 4 year old for two years and she has common law custody of his 15 year old. We have had some issues this past summer over my ss4 and some personal issues with me. I had a miscariage this past aug and my mil told one of her friends whom i dont know and this friend walked up to me at ss4 school and started talking to me about it, not even two weeks after it happened. I went off on my mil, i was very angry. She does not think she did anything wrong, she may not have intented for her friend to say anything to me but she did.
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Me verses the MIL
Hello all, i am married to a man who has a 4 1/2 year old son. My husband lived with his mother for the first two years of his sons life and the mother thinks she should be able to make all the decisions for this child who i will call T. Its been a battle from day one. The mil spoils T like theres no tomorrow and she thinks that my husband owes her because he lived with her for two years. T's mom sees him one day a week so she really is not involved much. The mil has been told to stop buying T. stuff but she wont listen and she sends home little things to rub it in our faces. T.
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