I applied to Grad School tonight!
I live in the Midwest and have 3 wonderful children that are all biologically my husbands. SS12 ( 13 in less than a month) ss9 and BS almost 2. We have an a kind of difficult thing going on because Ss12 is wheelchair bound and has a shitlod of other issues that include from an emotional standpoint ADHD, autism and and generalized anxiety disorder, oh yeah the latest one " formally known as retarded" ??? Yes, we were told that by a developmental ped in December! I gave him his coat and helped him get in on and was done with their BS! When he was 8 he scored a 10 on the ADOS which put him on the spectrum for autism and it his BM ( there really should be a CUNT BAG WOMB donor things on here) hid it from the world. The child self stimulates all the time, but we got it down to the point he is starting to pull his hair out. He recently scored a 19 on the ADOS but they said for his age he is just to stupid to know the difference! Only because we were revisiting because we started digging through records from the county when she was a stay at home mom and my at this point need to say asshole husband trusted her.... That said he needed behavioral therapy. It is so long and evolved it even makes my head spin! His medical complications are so long and involved even the ER docs don't know what do when we show up!
So last Wedneday j-man ( ss12) comes home from school and his nurse can't cath his bladder which is a stoma can't get it. My DH is workig from home and tries there is nothing getting in there. ( 18 day hospital stay and 15 hours of surgery in April to rebuild the bladder and bowls for my J-man). We know at school he gets cathed and he had only been with his BM for 2 days and at school for 2 of the 5 caths and the nurse at school is fully aware of what he goes thorugh and sends emails when ever there is a problem. We know this is serious and just now... So hubby calls the urology and tells them what is up. They say bring him in immediately and he does... The ER screws up and my husband ends up paging urology on his own so they could get a surgeon out to open up his bladder before it ruptured.
Here is the thing you guys might get and love... BM was skiing ( in the midwest which means ICE) and when my DH sent her a text to say your son is in the OR she sent one back that said thanks for letting me know. She didn't call or text or anything - but the hospital grabbed her number and called her to tell her the interstate was shut down and to not to take your kid that way? Luckily, the nurses caught my DH in the parking lot and said don't go home that way. Oops, she got that message and didn't relay it my DH until she got to work and of course her dog ate her homework and Internet is down at work like she always says... And everything is his fault? She got so stupid that on Thursday she called my MIL to make sure the family wasn't upset with her???? Really? Why because I emailed her mom ( with whom I actually kind of like) to let her know her grandson ( who is raising when he is with BM) had been into emergency surgery and home to let him shit shit himself all night and I get to chance it? He didn't get his nightly enema and well shit happens? Do you let him eat and sleep or shit himself all night that we have to watch. Huge difference between a baby and a teenager.
Ok, let's all go SKI because it isn't our day?
- Doesnteatcrow's blog
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