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So not liking drop off day anymore

SisterNeko's picture

I am trying to stay out of it yet be there for BF (moral support) but the past few times BM has dropped off the boys I just want to choke her. She has been taking them places (which is good) but when she shows up at our house SS4 is upset - because he didn't want to leave where ever they were. She makes a big deal about it (babies him) and act like he doesn't want to be at our house. BF has to take him by the hand and walk him inside - 5 mins later he is fine. (BF called her on this tonight when she txt'ed to see how he was. He responded with he is fine he just didn't want to leave the park. She didn't txt back)

Both boys have been so tried when she drops them off - SS4 has fallen asleep at the dinner table the past 2 times. It takes us about all week to get them rested up (we don't think they sleep well at her house, but again can't do anything about that).

SS6 is so starved for attention - because she ignores him that he coming running right to me and won't leave my side all night. Tonight he didn't even say bye to BM.

Tonight SS6 had a 'painful' injury to his wrist - kind of looked like a dog bite - was swollen and he wouldn't let us touch it, but we dropped ss4 off once with a tiny scrap on his nose and BM called us on it.

And to top it all off we think Ss4 may be sick tonight - BF gave him meds and put him to bed early. I'll keep an eye on him - but BM didn't say ANYTHING about all of this when she dropped them off!

BF is so mad and he keep telling me. I keep saying what do you want me to do about it. SAY something to her! I can't, or trust me i would. He says it doesn't do any good but either does telling me and not telling her.