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Ugh!!! Bad Situation all around

Jsmom's picture

Well it was a great week with the kids. No major skirmishes after SD13 mouth off. All was good until DH and I went out on Saturday night and SS11 dropped a bomb on my son and asked him not to tell me or his dad or he won't be able to go to his mom's house anymore. Well my son told me on Sunday on his way to his Religous Ed class. Ironic... He looked so panicked to tell me. I told him it was okay and he should never keep secrets from me. I have been saying that since the kid was a baby. With the hell my son has been through with losing a baby brother and a father, our relationship is very strong. It turns out that BM new husband his daughter was expelled from the HS for passing out drunk at lunch in the cafeteria. They got married over Thanksgiving and his BD15 moved in right after because (we were told)the mom couldn't afford to raise her anymore. Now I think that is bullshit. I think she couldn't control her.

My son came home and told us back in January that a girl at school had been expelled for drinking and he didn't know her but she had the same first name as this girl. Turns out now, my husband asked BM if she had heard this. She said no. Now it turns out it was her SD.

We think they got married because my DH and her went back to court a few years ago because of another issue and while there my DH had an issue with another daughter of this guy having an influence on his kids. That kid was trouble from the get go and they weren't even living together then. They saw a mediator. and they settled on that no other kids could reside in the house unless they got married. She had to make sure that they weren't ever alone with this girl. Right after that his daughter went to some boarding school and then to her mom's after being suspended from the HS. She beat up a girl. She is a lost cause from what I understand. THis new SD we were told was in all honors classes. Turns out that was a lie, my son is and she never ended up in any of the excelled classes. She managed to get expelled from school after being there three weeks in January and we are just finding this out now. Our town is similar to Stepford in that the schools don't mess around with these kids. It is one of the top school districts in the state and they don't want you to screw up their scores. Any problems and they resolve it quick.

DH is insisting on meeting with her today face to face - no email. He says she has never been able to lie to him directly. Which is why she only communicates now via email. They avoid each other completely. My issue is now that he is going to push for full custody. He can get it with me working from home now and she works so much with her crazy schedule. I support him but, I really like having one week off. I told him we would work it out, but he needs to do what is best for the kids. I wonder if we had them full-time, would she have to pay us Child Support? Funny!!!

I wonder if it is better if we get the full custody and we can control things more. Be more effective with parenting. Instead of him guilt parenting because of the 50/50, he could be on top of the issues before they are a problem. Now it feels like as soon as we have a handle on schoolwork and other issues they go home and we start all over the following EOW.

She lied to my DH, scared her kids by telling them if you tell your dad you won't be able to live here anymore. Thus scaring an 11 year old for the last two months. My son said he looked so relieved to tell someone. Which now puts a burden on my son that he had to tell me. I want to be there so badly to tell her off. Your actions cause issues not just for your children, but for my child as well. She has had an effect on everything in my life for the last five years and I never say a word to anyone but DH. We have such issues with SD13 about mouthing off and now mom tells her to lie to dad. What kind of message does that send? The kid only lies once in awhile now, but she certainly knows how to bend it.

I have to be prepared that we may change the custody. Not sure how BM can resolve this to DH's satisfaction. But, she does need to realize that what happens in that house affects her children. This will be interesting.


Constantly_guilty's picture

You may still have to pay her support if you have them full time if she has a really low income.

Most Evil's picture

Oh wow, great! Now you get the SD that has been expelled? But it is true, that you have a lot better chance of helping your skids if you can get custody.

I personally feel that if you have something to say to BM that really eats at you, just tell her - she seems to do whatever she wants to you and yours, right? One day you will have enough and it will just come out, unless you are a saint!

I finally spoke up to our BM and have felt a lot better ever since. It took about 5 years for me to do this. We did not understand each other until I did speak up, she apparently thought I was a putz and she was a welcome part of my household. She has not cared to take me on for some time now. The PAS did ramp up then, but she only hurt her own child with that.

So there is risk involved in saying something, but I feel it did start a much healthier relationship in my case. Boundaries were finally set, which always goes over like a brick. I hope this works out for you dear.
May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
~Irish Blessing

Jsmom's picture

Well she is avoiding his call. Next step will be Lawyers. He is askig her to take EO Weekend. We would have them all the rest of the time. She works a lot of hours. She makes more money than he does. The condition would be that his kids can not ever be alone with this girl. Last night SD13 walked home at dusk to get her guitar with the girl. The girl didn't come in the house. Wierd that mom or SD didn't drive her over. They never do this. Avoidance is very apparent. She is with the SS all the time, they are sharing a room now. This is going to get worse. I have calls into friends that are teachers and are parents at the Catholic HS they have her attending. We know that they are going to say that they have her under control now. I want to verify that they do or don't. She was expelled after two weeks at the Public HS. She apparently had a water bottle filled with alcohol and passed out in the cafeteria. We keep getting more info as this goes on.

How long can she avoid him before DH goes nuts and calls his lawyer. We could get child support with her income and if we have the kids more. At least I think we should threaten it.

She makes over 100K a year and her hours are about 50+ and sporadic. She has to know that we have bent over backwards for her for years and we are not going to be nice anymore.

As for me talking to her, I am close, the stress she caused my child from telling hers to lie, is wrong.