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Father's Day...another day to ignore DH

Bethany's picture

Each year he never receives a card--not even a phone call. I feel for him.

He and I are in therapy and it's been a Godsend! He is well aware I am disengaging. One area, Facebook, my SDs NEVER responded to anything and I post my photography all the time. Since disengaging in April, the older one has been making nice comments. I continue to ignore and do not respond. I know this may sound petty to some, but I have been hurt over and over and over again.

I'm a very outgoing and compassionate person, so this is tough for me. But, I'm also intelligent and I know, no matter what they do or say, I will not trust either SD ever again. The straw that broke the camel's back was when the younger SD decided to get pregnant with an unemployed man(no car, no nothing, no education and was fired from his last job) who already has one toddler (for which he doesn't support) and JUST had a newborn a couple months ago---from ANOTHER woman! Within 8 weeks of that birth, he and SD got pregnant. But, she thankfully lost it. However, the two of them proudly stated: we're trying again. This SD already has a young son and cannot afford him! We have paid a LOT over the years to support her and she blew through an inheritance of 85,000 in 2 years....yet, says we NEVER did anything for her. We paid her way through nursing school and husband put a down payment on her car (he co-signed the loan behond my back!) Don't think that wasn't discussed in therapy!

The older one? She has ignored us for 15 years. Last year, I held out the olive branch and invited she and her family to our summer home. She came with her 3 kids for a week. I took the kids out clamming, in the seemed like a nice time.At Christmas, I sent about 5 beautifully framed photographs of her children from the trip. She didn't even send us a card. Never received a phone call or a note that she received them! But the kicker? She had all three kids write a special thank you note from last summer's trip which stated: Dear Grandpa, thank YOU for inviting us to YOUR summer house. No mention of me at all. So, they will not be invited back. I am done. After 20plus years of being called the witch, being ignored, and trying so hard to mend fences, I have decided it is over. My husband fully supports me in this. I have told him I'm more than happy for him if HE wants to invite them to the summer house, but I will not be there. He is ok with that. The biomother is close to the two SDs and never misses a chance to inject poison.

I am most grateful to all of you. You have helped me to stay disengaged. I appreciate your listening to me and your compassion. By staying in this forum, you are helping me, more than you know, to maintain this boundary. We all WISH we coudldmake it better. Unfortunately, if you understand the dynamics of adult stepchildren, it is crystal clear that nothing will ever change the poison they spew at us.I'm an eternal optimist, BUT, these dynamics will NOT change....ever. So, those of you wishing it would, please know it does not change with time. Don't waste your energy, don't rent out space in your mind even thinking about them. Focus on YOUR life and happiness...and, maintain those boundaries. It will save your sanity.

thinkthrice's picture

Fantastic post and oh so true!

There can be no "one big happy family" (TM) if there's a toxic GUBM in the picture.

notasm3's picture


SM's mantra. Do not engage. Do not extend an olive branch. Let the bitches go. Just ignore their very existence.

I do not prohibit my DH from seeing his son (SS30) - but I have NOTHING to do with him. I do not care if he is dead or alive. I do not care if he hates my guts.

Bethany's picture

Well, neither of my over-30 year old stepdaughters even bothered to call my DH today. Awful people, just awful.

Stepdrama11's picture

The flip side is my SS33 and SD34 who have been waging a campaign to end my marriage, convince their father, my DH, to leave me and/or just gaslight me onto the discard pile. They have used guilt bombs, relational aggression, been verbally abusive to me, and used their entrapment babies as bait for their daddy. I WISH they would just disappear.

Bethany's picture

Oh---entrapment babies. What a genius term! The 36 year old is a single mother and never went after the father for support. So, guess who paid the bills? Yup. That has ended! But, she is now trying to get pregnant with an unemployed man who ALREADY has a toddler by one woman and JUST had a newborn by another--and, got SD pregnant 8 weeks after the last baby! Insane? I couldn't MAKE this stuff up. She was pregnant, but had a miscarriage. But, she and the serial impregnator are trying again! THIS time, she'll be on welfare!

Stepdrama11's picture

Aaaargh!!! I tell people what is going on / has gone on and you are right, they CANNOT believe it. SD is up to 2 entrapment babies with 2 different men who stepped up when they thought they were just hooking up, SS has one child from a brief marriage (to a nice girl, no mystery why it did not last) and one entrapment baby with current GF - and by the way ALL the drama began when she entered the picture.

ItsGrowingOld's picture

The lack of maturity and compassion in some adult steps is mind boggling:-( Like you, I am disengaged. I've been disengaged for several years. I'm numb to how terribly DH's adult daughters treat him. He is too, mostly. I was surprised that one of his daughters actually text him happy fathers day. Of course, in the same text message she asked him for something. Ish! Just ish! :sick:

DH's entire family is pretty disgusted by his kids. He admitted to me he's embarrassed by them and how terribly they treat his entire family. If they don't want to have a mutually loving relationship with their father and his family, well, it's their loss. Someday, they may realize just how extensive their loss is.

I promise that over time there will be no sting or hurt feelings when the steps try to get their digs into you if you stay disengaged. Even reengaging for a day can set you back.

Stay strong and live your life to the fullest. That will send them message they have no hold over you:-)