My SD is very intellegent, but some times ahh...(facepalm)...
She is in advanced classes and a high GPA and in the high honor society. We are very proud of her. She doesn't not act like a "Know It All" (most the times) Sometimes she tries to bring up more adult topics about things she thinks she knows about. We tend to get into little debates about it (EX: Abortions, Religion, Politics...stuff like that) and DH looks at me and sometimes tells me" Shes 12 why do you talk to her about this stuff?" which i reply "she started it". lol
Anyways Last night was a good one. We were watching the show "One big Happy" This lady is pregnant and was trying to freak this guy out by telling it was his baby....
THis was the Conversation:
SD12: " But your not supposed to have sex when your pregnant!!!!"
Me: "Ummm What????"
SD12:" You didn't know that?"
Me: "who the hell told you that?"
SD12: Oh you know Wikipedia and sites like that....(Her go to answer for things when shes not sure after she says something...)
Me: had to contain myself to not get into this little debate.... "Im soo not having this conversation with you right now, and dont believe everything you "read on the internet"
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She's not been on Wikipedia.
She's not been on Wikipedia.