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Choosing wisely

Newimprvmodel's picture

I was thinking tonight as I was puttering around the kitchen that my dh and many spouses here do not see what is something that motivated me to leave a loveless marriage. Who will be there holding your hand as you die? Will money be holding your hand? Your fancy cars or homes? That was very important to me, not so much the dying aspect ( cancer came after), but the real intimate powerful love connection with my spouse.
So I left lots of money, and set out to find the person I deeply love. I found him, but as everything is in life, it is not perfect. I do think he tries to put me, and our marriage first. My belief is that your parents likely will be deceased by the time you die, and with my dh's daughters, I would expect they might hold his hand AFTER they disconnected all the gadgets, and swiftly caused his demise! I guess my point is that your spouse will likely be the only person there together as you both get old.. Treat them like the precious commodity that they are!