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irritated- it's the little stuff that makes me nuts

Anne Boleyn's picture

I told myself I would be in a good mood for the skid visit (last night through Monday morning). It's hard as hell.

When the SKids are here, FDH is in charge of meals. I sometimes cook for them but only if I am in the mood. So yesterday afternoon, I asked FDH if he was getting pizza for dinner, on his way home as I was interested in having that for dinner and that's usually what we do on the weeknight they are here since it's fast and cheap. He told me he wasn't going to because they 'had it last week'. They (not me) had it EIGHT days prior and we couldn't have it again because of that. They got Chinese which I didn't want. I ate a sandwhich. But I didn't say a word. I even sat with them nicely while they ate and made them brownies for dessert.

Tonight, he was picking them up from BM's house. I knew he was on the road but not where. I called to see what dinner plans were as I was getting seriously hungry and was wondering if I should have a small snack. He answers the phone as if it was a stranger calling. I was taken aback. He then tells me he's at BM's picking up the kids. So I realize that he's acting all weird on the phone because he's there. He does that from time-to-time and it pisses me the hell off. I couldn't even speak. I hung up.

He texted and asked what I wanted for dinner. I told him that's what I'd called to discuss and didnt appreciate that his whole demeanour changes when he's in her presence and that since he was going to treat me like a stranger, I would make my own dinner.

The son of a bitch texted me a few minutes ago to advise that he'd ordered pizza for dinner.


Onefootout's picture

Sounds like if he's going to treat you like a stranger, maybe you should start treating him like one too for a while, maybe a few weeks or so?

bi's picture

it's the little things that really get us because it's the little things that happen every single day, all day long, every day of our lives. it's those little things that ARE our lives. so if dh or anyone else tells you you're getting bent out of shape over "something little", be sure to let that person know that the little things aren't so little when they are yearly, monthy, weekly, daily and even fucking hourly!