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New and need to vent

ck2012's picture

So I am new to this forum and just need to vent. DH and I just got married last month and I am so stressed out. We did live together for a few years before that and the step kids started coming over..So my story has a rough start just like a lot of yours I suspect. One 9 year old from my previous marriage and I have full custody of him as ex moved out of the state and refused to pay any CS. DH has a 11 year old boy and a 6 year old girl. Of course they can do no wrong in his eye. I believe I have brought up my son very well and that was one of the things DH admired about me. But his ex let the skids run lose and all she is worried about is money. So now when the skids come, I run the house according to my rules and guess what, they dont like it. Not only that Dh is constantly supporting them and making up excuses!

I am the maid for all of them and no one cleans or picks up! DH is so busy either dealing with his ex who is a $%& B---- and takes every opportunity to create drama. She and I dont talk or communicate, even DH cant talk to her, only emails (which I write most of the time). And now she wants to communicate with him " without outside interference" and like she did " before when they were together". So basically she wants to cut me out and is asking DH to talk to her alone... and DH cant even stand her! On top of this Skids are playing games... Yesterday she called to talk to Skids when they were with us and since SD was sick, DH asked SS to tell his mom that she was sleeping. But when BM picked up SD yesterday evening, after about 2 minutes she calls DH and yells at him for not letting her talk to SD and that I had prevented SD and told her not to talk to her mom. I was pissed and told DH , SD should not be lying to please her mom and he went silent on me. He is so protective and cannot believe his kids can lie! And SS is so mean to my son when he thinks I am not watching!If I complain to DH, he will come up with something my son did and say they all do it! I am so darned tired of this! I love my husband but this is getting a bit too much! He treats them so different and I cant help comparing! Am I mean? He woke up at 4 hour intervals when SD was sick to give her medicine..I will get up and would see him rushing to her, so I just go back to bed! He even took the day off yesterday to be with her! Like he was doing me a favor...He has never taken a day off when I or my son have been sick...yesterday my son was sick and DH was snoring away to glory.... Am I a bad person? I know DH has sacrificed being full time with his kids for me and I have full custody and have my son all the is it selfish to ask for more?
I feel so mean and really reading some of the posts here is like a balm.. I thought I was the only one who braces for visits and hates when my SD does drama when her dad is around....I am constantly on my guard to make sure he doesn't give in to her....

I am just hoping for some support and maybe some new friends here..I lost all of my "so called friends" during my divorce and I dont go out, meet anyone or do anything fun except for with DH and/or the kids. DH has lost all notion of romance and constantly waits for the nasty email from BM and the drama she creates ...:( I am non existent except for doing laundry, dishes, dinner, etc.....

Sorry for the long post but I am really low today , so thanks for reading ! Sad

Anon2009's picture

I think it's great that he takes care of the SKs when they're sick. But the other stuff would bother me very much. I don't think you'd be as bothered by his not helping out with your bs as much if he didn't let them pull so much crap.

Maybe it's time to get a marriage counselor involved.

duct_tape's picture

What are you getting out of this? It amazes me how much we women tolerate. We become accustomed to this twisted version of a normal life.
You need to go out and get some friends. Bring them around your house. Your husband would take you a little more seriously if you had a bit of an entourage cheering you on Friday nights.

You should also keep your kids separate from his if they're bullies. Don't give them the chance. And by no means should you ever "tell" on them. Just tell them to get the f#*k away from your son. Fly off the handle, go a little nuts, let them see momma grizzly in action, freak their little asses out a little. They may say you're nuts, your husband will respect you more, and as far as the bm? who freakin' cares. Tell her if her kids had any manners, they wouldn't be picking on someone smaller. Sometimes in life you just have to let your freak out. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE?

ck2012's picture

ducttape , that is a question I ask myself a lot nowadays and its scary Sad
I LOVE your suggestions! LOL maybe that's what I need to do! Not be sweet nice, wipe your ass for you SM!!!!LOL

And I Love the quote you have at the end too! That is SO true! My son is so connected to me and I only have to give him a look and he knows why i am happy or pissed. I wish I had that with my Skids....maybe one day Beee

duct_tape's picture

I say this from experience. The turning point for me, in alot of the same situation (husband tolerated too much bad behavior, made excuse, lied for ss, etc. typical crap) I WENT OFF!!! I had a baby shower for my daughter in law. This ss crashed it with his buddy, hung over and wreaking of alcohol. My husband, who was supposed to be there to help with this shower, (I have a one year old) tried to leave! He was going to take his son and the friend out to dinner! Leave me here with a one year old and all these guests and take his ass out to dinner. "Because apparently guys weren't invited." No just stinking, hungover, twenty year olds, who don't live here anymore aren't invited.

Anyway, I went phsyco-bitch crazy...Got my keys, took my purse and walked out...screaming and calling him and his son every name in the book. It was our very first fight EVER. And it felt amazing. From that point on, this kid never, ever, ever comes to MY HOUSE unannounced. Sometimes, you gotta let the freak out of the cage.

snmom87's picture

I have recently resorted to taking my son and going and spending time alone with him doing fun things I know the sk would like to be doing. My sk are also mean to my son, but only when daddy isn't looking or they think I am out of earshot. I am at my wits end, but after reading this string, I think I may trying letting the freak out, and you should too, lol.

ck2012's picture

I dont get why they are so mean when I am being so nice....And they, including DH does not get how much of a sacrifice my son and I are making as well. They are only thinking of themselves and what they are going through..And everything is fine with us because I have my son full time! But my son is affected becoz his SD is only half focused on him as he is constantly worrying about his own kids... It makes me sad...

I try to do the same and read him a special story or give him a special treat or do stuff with him when they arent around.....And I love the time we spend together! He has adjusted so much to the new family and looks at skids as brother and sister. He has to drive with me for 1 hour to and fro right after school to pick up skids and has never once complained! But no one appreciates all this!

I guess its time to let the freak out....LOL

snmom87's picture

I stopped being nice a few weeks ago, I spent over $1,000 on Christmas for all of us, the majority of which was spent on these kids. I was tired of seeing my son always get left out or bullied when they were around, so last weekend as soon as they showed up I took him to the park, and when the other kids wanted to go I told them they needed to stay and spend time with their dad, since thats who was in charge of them. I told them I wasn't going to take them anywhere with me since they didn't think they had to follow my rules. It makes me sound like a total bit*# i know, but I am at a loss and have no idea what to do anymore. I think I am done trying and just have to do whatever I have to do to protect my insanity. Incredibly, that same night the older too started being much nicer to me, but I don't expect it to last long.

I get the same attitude about my situation and my son from my boyfriend as you, my son is with me and I have hime almost full time so we are fine and aren't going through anything, but his kids do. Its so frustrating. Please let me know how things go for you... sounds like we are in a similar battle.

buterfly_2011's picture

I hate to say it but that's how my SO ex wife is now becoming. She left the man she originally left my SO for... so now her calling is even more then it was before. And I'm the one with the "issue" Everything is about money and how I need to accept the SD16. I too suffer from the "maid" issues when they come to visit. A poster on this site told me to start putting their CRAP where they sleep and then they will figure it out. I think that was PERFECT advice!
I let the freak out last month. And trust me I blew... my son has never seen his mom like that. The SD16 has made a choice to NOT come to our home anymore. Fine by me. Her and her mom are like the show "Mean Girls" and well I had had enough. I'm not saying she isn't welcome in our home BUT I made some serious ground rules. And her choice has been to stay away. As for her crazy ass mother..... there is nothing you can do about ex's if your man has no back bone you can't fight the fight for him. That is the exhausting part. I finally told my SO last week when he told me his ex was moving back home and she had called for advice for schools for herself etc that I would NOT support him while he supports her emotionally. This will NOT work for me. I already support him so he can support her with the insane assnine amount of CS he sends on top of every call for money that he answers to during the month. I draw the line at him talking in private with her or whatever.
I too lost all my "so called friends" eleven years ago when I got divorced I know how you feel. This community is good support. And they validate how you are feeling because Lord knows your SO will not!

ck2012's picture

Amen! I am exhausted ! I reply to all her emails under his email and I get all worked up and stressed along with him but its becoming old... if you know what I mean. I just want to live my life and i know there are people saying i knew what I was getting into..but for once I wish they would shut up! LOL . No one can imagine this! I mean we know some of the issues before we choose this but no way can you predict everything! So anytime I vent to my mom, she goes " its really hard right "... but with a hint of something underlying, something like" I told you so and you dint listen"....

I feel good when I see that you out your feet done about him emotionally supporting her. My SO cant even stand his ex so I cant see this happening but if it did, that would be the last straw for me! But she still tries! She once sent him a profile of a guy from a dating site and asked him if he thought that she should date this guy! LOL So was so disgusted and dint reply!
Anyways, in the brief time I have been on this site, i can already feel the strength, support and positive vibes! Thanks Everyone!