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Inlaws that Make Life Very Hard

dianalg's picture

The inlaws can make life very difficult between you and your significant other if they so choose. This has been part of my problem. I have lost sleep, cannot eat, and now take anti depressants because of my future sil. She has turned the whole family against me. I do not even know why. She is very dirty and controlling, I guess she just wants both her brothers to her self, her other brother has never reallly been in a relationship and is 47, she would like it if my fiance never had another relationship as well I am sure. She is a scag.

StepChicka's picture

Oh, I had one of those SILs-then I got I would do what Ms Freeze suggested but your future hubby needs to be behind on this too. He needs to stand up for you. If he doesn't it will seriously backfire...well at least you'll be getting answer then. I wouldn't be walking down the aisle with someone who can't stand beside his woman. I learned this too late in the game.