Summer Camp to kick skid into shape?
So, after all the emotional abuse BM has exposed SS12 to over the past 5 years, he's officially a total asshole, and consequently, neither BM nor DH want him in their house. I have no desire to bring him on family vacation this year. Anyone know of any good boot camps or behavior corrections we can send him to, because no one seems to want to do deal with him.
A relative got sent to
A relative got sent to outward bound. It was a great experience for her.
Most of the Military Boarding schools have summer camps. It sounds to me that your SS-12 needs something focused more on kids with behavioral problems that would be notably more intense and unpleasant that what most of the schools offer.
My SS did not have the issues that yours has but we did send him to Military School for his Jr and Sr year of high school. It did him a world of good as far as his maturity and academic performance were concerned until his Sperm Idiot hacked the school fire wall and they ended up playing WoW together all night and the Skid was comatose in class every day.
Good luck.