So darn happy right now
My dd will be joining us on vacation! YAY she said this is her 'last' summer with me, AND NO BF!!!! YAY I am so excited.
Plus for the first time EVER ALL 3 boys will be going as well! AND dh will have them the WHOLE 2 weeks! Dh finally told bm he is tired of her trying to keep him from getting his CS cut in half by doing what ever she could to keep one or all from staying the whole 2 weeks. She of course denied that that was what is was doing doing and is doing however dh said then why is it that every time I have them for more than a weekend you have to try some way to keep one or all the boys or want them back early??? It is always somehting that she just HAS to have them back early every single time.
This time it was that ss15 has football camp, ok while I see that that is something he has to go to and I would not keep him from that, we find out it is NOT camp but PRACTICE! And she really counts on dh just taking her word as gospel. I was the one that encouraged him to look into weather she is really telling the truth or not. Once dh started doing that he started to realize that bm was just making stuff up to make sure the boys are never here for more then a weekend. Or to make sure that the boys aren't here for his whole visitation. I.E. means that his CS doesn't get cut in half for those times. Which is what it boils down to is bm doesn't want to lose the money!
I told dh to use it as a bargaining tool. Like ok well then use my half of the CS that is supposed to be cut on their dr bills and stuff!! LOL }:)
So after much debt (she wanted to the boys early this year b/c of school, always her excuse every year) that dh will pick them up a weekend early and she will get them a weekend early.
Honestly though bm has ALL summer to get the boys 'ready' for school and she ALWAYS chooses to wait and then expect dh to give up his time to her for that purpose! Pisses me the hell off!