Glad summer is over, hit my braking point tonight.
SD12 has been terrorizing me for the entire summer that she has been living with us. I've posted on here when I've been at wit's end. The shit hit the fan tonight...
She picks fights with me about everything. She loves to insult and argue with me. She never does anything without fighting with me or making a snide comment. She never fails to loudly point out if I make a mistake or if I joke around for her sister, she'll roll here eyes and say something nasty under her breath The nightly fights started a week ago when she started bitching at me in front of her uncle that my husband and I never spend money on her or let her eat anything sugary. All because I got a 5 OZ. of frozen yogurt and she saw the picture on Facebook.
That was a completely untrue statement because I remember buying her frozen yogurt and ice cream last week. She also said we we never do anything fun except when they're at BMs. Sorry you little witch, now that will truly happen. Thank god she goes back to BMs for school Friday.
Every night since then she has nitpicked or found something to fight about. Spilled glitter all over the floor and spent a half and hour trying to figure out how to pick it up. (Plenty of time for her sister to finish cleaning it.) I sent her to bed only to find her playing with her Barbie when I went upstairs. She immediately picked a fight with me when I called her about lying. Are you serious kid? I can see you playing with the Barbie right in front of me, you're not getting into bed!
Tonight I hit my breaking point. She was supposed to clean her room yesterday. She told me that she finished it last night and like magic, it ended a trash hole this morning. In other words she sat on her ass and played on her computer like she does 24/7 and didn't clean it all. Her computer got taken away and instead of just shutting her mouth and cleaning, she picked a half an hour fight with me over it. I'm not the uneducated dumbass your mom is kid. I can tell when you're blatantly lying to me. Then DH calls and says she's lost her cellphone. As angry as I am, I agree to help her look. Well her version of looking is sitting on her butt watching me look while she goes on about me knocking her stuff over. Clean up your pig sty and we wouldn't have this issue. And she's been stuffing her period stained underwear and clothes under her bed. Seriously disgusting kid.
I finally stop screaming and walk out of the room. She comes downstairs, still arguing while I'm trying to get dinner done. I drop my cooking stuff walk straight up to her and tell her: you're not my problem, don't talk to me till you leave Friday, till then you do not exist to me. She insists on asking questions, I am responding with curt yes or no or ask dad.
You may ask where is my DH in all of this. SD only acts up when he is out of earshot. And on the chance she does, he never punishes her for being disrespectful to me. He only punishes her if it interrupts his work or video games. We agreed on rules at the beginning of the summer and he never enforces them. SD rules the house and manipulates everyone in it when he is not looking. We live with my brother and sister in law and they get mad because the kids always trash the place and wake up their one year old. I give in yell at the kids for being loud and always clean up the messes. They have to hear me constantly fighting with her. I guess my issue is not only with SD it is with my lazy DH. I told him about disengaging and he doesn't think it's going to solve anything. Probably because he'll have to get off his ass and parent them. These issues are ruining my life and marriage. I like my cat better than my human family.
It's not my brother in law's
It's not my brother in law's house. We rent a duplex apartment and pay half the rent of $1250
I'm pretty sure she does see
I'm pretty sure she does see me as her equal, I feel that most of her nasty behaviour is directed at me and only me. I don't know if is because her mother lets her walk all over her. Don't care she's not my brat, I won't put up with it.
Are you so desperate for a
Are you so desperate for a man/food/housing/whatever that'll you'll continue to live like this?
My comment may have been
My comment may have been worded rudely but its a valid question. Do you wish to spend the rest of your life with a kid and eventually an adult who has such a dislike for you? This isn't going to get better and you have so many different ways of spending your life open to you at your age.