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How young is too young

jen76's picture

How young is too young to shave your legs? Seriously, I can't remember back that far. SD just turned 10 y/o and she she said that her mom let her shave her legs. All I said was really? you are too young to shave your legs! SD can't even cut her pancakes or any meat and her mom is actually giving her a razor to use on her body. I was in such sock I didn't even ask the important questions like did she teach you HOW to do it or just hand you a razor and figure it out? (which is what probably happened) I went and asked H if she had told him and she just had. I asked him don't you think that is something that BM should have called you about and ya'll discussed before her making a decision on her own? He said what was I going to do- say no? Well, yes if that is what you thought about it. She is a child and should be acting like one. To me shaving legs leads to other "adult" things. I told him I'm sure she will probably be dating at 12 y/o. I'm not sure if I'm over reacting or not. I know when I was little I was allowed to shave my legs once every summer from about 8 y/o on b/c I was on the swim team and it was only for our championship meet. I can't remember when I actually did it on a regular basis. I'm guessing middle school when I actually went through puberty.


EvilDiva's picture

Due to my mixed heritages from all over the place, I have never had to shave my legs. So SD's were first encounter with this. SD14 must shave legs everyday. I just roll my eyes and tell her to keep the razor in her drawer and away from BS6. She was shaving her legs 5 years ago. I believe it is just behavior mimicked from BM, but then again IDK b/c I don't have hairy leg issues.

Very curious as to what everyone else has to say though.

Just last week SD14 says well in gym I have to wear shorts, and I retorted, "Who's checking out your legs in gym in 8th grade. Don't try to rationalize something that makes no sense. There are far more important things you should be concerned about other than shaving your legs!" Of course H keeps her supplied with razors.

For me, I believe if you are shaving your legs at 10 or 14 or wearing thongs at 14 (yes other estranged SD's did at 14), then what are you doing at 16 and 17? Far more age-inappropriate things.

I strive to keep my biolovebugs in age appropriate activities and surroundings. SD14 is heartbroken she can't wear makeup -- base, mascara, the whole kit and kaboodle. At 14 I was planning how I was going to take the world by storm. I wore makeup for the first time in college, as a sophomore! And now wish I had never put any on ever!

Can't wait to hear the responses.

Evil Diva

tiffany54's picture

I have to say that my BD9 will not be getting a razor next year and you can count on that one. I think that is to young. I think I was 13 and my mom gave me an electric razor and didn't get a razor till i was 15 i think. I am sure SD12 has a razor cause BM could care less if she wears make up or not but whatever. DH has made it clear DB9, won't wear it till 18 lol. I dunno the thought of certain childern with razors, kinda scares me.

Nymh's picture

I tried it when I was 10 or 11, cut myself and they made fun of me but I still wasn't allowed to shave my legs until I was 12. That was right around the time that I started my period. I think that's a good signal to start shaving. 10 year old girls have no reason to shave IMO.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

stepmasochist's picture

I think I was 9 or 10 when I first tried it, though, but my mom nipped that in the bud quickly. So, ya. I'd say 10 is too young.

Though more and more 10 year olds are reaching puberty (menses) these days from all the hormones in food and stuff, I still don't think I'd let SD 10 shave unless she started looking like cousin It from the Addam's Family.

Last Nerve's picture

My oldest BD was 11 when she told me she wanted to shave her legs. Can't say I blame her, she did have fairly hair legs - more hair than I had on my legs at 30!

I didn't want her messing with a razor though, so I bought her Veet to use. It was a safer alternative, and in the end, she was happy and so was I.

jen76's picture

I'm hoping that it is just b/c she is curious. I'm sure like everything else she will do it once and then get bored with it. She did have a bunch of marks on her legs, but claims they are/were bug bites which I doubt. She isn't hairy, but she does have dark brown hair so you can see it. I'm blonde and not a very hairy person so only shave about once a week. Very interesting to see different comments.

WowjustWow's picture

SD's started shaving their legs when they were 10 I think. We've never made a big deal out of it. They probably didn't need to, but whatever.

I shaved my legs whenI was 10. I did it when my mom was at work one day over the summer. She was mad, but it wasn't a big deal. She was more worrie I would have cut myself.

~ Formerly ToTheEdge. I have stepped down from the ledge.

trophySmom's picture

I started shaving at 10, because I have dark hair which meant I had very hairy legs, which was very embarassing for me, we all know how cruel kids are when your in the preteen to teen age range, One of the SD's has light brown hair and very little body hair on her arms and legs so she didn't start shaving until she was 12 and doesn't shave very often now but my other SD was more like I was with very dark hair and lots of arm/leg hair so she started around 10. I think kids have enough to worry about without being afraid to wear shorts around their friends for fear that they might get made fun of, if it makes them feel better about their body then I don't see it as a big deal at that age.

smnikki's picture

starting at 8, and used a razor i found in my moms shower. I cut myself pretty bad and my mom figured out what i had done. She was pretty upset obviously, and asked me what i did it for. For me, i just didnt want the hair on my legs. She got me nair for teens, so i didnt have to mess with a razor. imo, i think it depends on the kid, because if they are old enough to realize they dont want the hair there, then it seem like it might be a time to address it.

Angel's picture

This is such an individual thing---if the young lady is feeling horrible about the hair on her legs---it is time to shave it off. Putting a number on it doesn't work sometimes. Have a talk with her. Teach her to do it carefully and give her the right tools. Biomom should be involved with the decision (if she is a thinking human being). It would be a good time to bond with her.

I think it has to do with good grooming----but it is also a cultural thing. In some cultures it is whorish behavior....

sunshine's picture

That it depends on the child itself. I was and am very hairy. I started shaving when I was 10 or 11. My daughters are both the same way. I remember kids making fun of me and I jsut wanted to crawl in a hole and I never ever wanted to go to gym class. I would not put my daughters through what I went through.