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Frustrated again

Georgie Girl's picture

I don't know if I can survive my sd for the next five years. Because of her, I feel like I am losing (LOST) any connection that I may have had with Dh and my relationship is becoming extremely strained. It seems like there is always some issue with the princess. You know what is so sad? If only once her father could see her for the manipulative little liar that she is, or at least even admit that she just might be lying just once, without always accusing me of persecuting his little princess, I would not feel so aggravated.

Once again, she had over time usage on her phone. Of course she lies and says that it went on the internet by accident. My Dh belives her of course and then says F-you to me. I lost alot of respect for him last night. I would never tell him that no matter how mad I was. He has never spoken to me like that before and I must say, it has really tarnished my opinion of him.

In an effort to see if she could possibly be telling the truth, I called Sprint. The rep said while it was possible to accidentally access the internet, it would only use about 7-9 kb. Not over 100 per session. He said the only way that this could happen was if someone was surfing sights because you get charged per sight, not how long you are on the welcome screen. He also said the usage was consistent with AIM. Wow, what a surprise. The evidence is not in her favor, again. It will be a waste of time to tell her dad because she will just lie anyway and of course, he wants to believe her at all costs. Because of this, he has made it very hard for me to like her and I am not feeling very warm and fuzzy towards him either.

Thanks for letting me vent. Sometimes I wonder if this is even worth it.



ittakestwo's picture

I have felt many times that DH has more respect for "other" women in his life than he does me. But I learned how to use that to my advantage. My DH has said F-you to me and I turned it right back around in his face... what if YOUR MOTHER was married to a HUSBAND who spoke to her like that. His dad left when he was ONE, his mother NEVER remarried... so what if YOUR stepdad said that KWIM? Made him think for a minute.

Same with SD. And sometimes ESPECIALLY SD... ok DH... "What if YOUR DAUGHTER was married to a man who spoke to HER the way you speak to me?"

Made him think... and it's been a LOOOOOOOOOONG time since he treated me with the disrespect he did in the beginning.

As for the lying etc, I have found it's best to confront SD with ALL THREE of us together. If I tell him, he goes and has a "PRIVATE TALK" with her where she manages to twist it around or convince him that she "confused" something or some silly thing like that. OR she can say "I'm sorry" and that's the end of it. Nowadays we talk to all the kids together.... mine, his, doesn't matter. No more I talk to mine and he talks to his. Makes a big difference in MANY ways. They, the kids, see that WE are united but it's a lil harder to LIE when the evidence is right there and there is someone else REMINDING them of the WHOLE story....

It is what it is...

Georgie Girl's picture

It so funny, but I have suggested that we talked to them all together. He is getting better about it, but he will accept whatever she tells him even if I have overwhelming proof. She lies and he accepts it. I don't get it. If he would even consider that she could be lying and look at things objectively just for once it would be huge to me.

As far as the f-you thing, I was so shocked that he would even say that. It is out of character for him. He usually treats me with respect, and I him. I am so let down. I will be sure to say what you suggested. Thanks for the advice. Smile


Empty Risks's picture

Why do some SO's feel that if the step parent points out a CLEAR wrong in the step child, it cannot be valid? Why do they feel like if they side with us, it's AGAINST the kid? We point this stuff out because it needs to change or get better, and to teach the child limits. We don't do that to simply find a fault or start a fight. Who the hell likes fighting? heh.

However, the bio parent sees it as a blight on them or something, and they get defensive and go straight into denial! I just don't get it.

I am *so* sorry he spoke to you like that. I can see how that would tarnish things a bit. It's just so explosive, mean spirited, and hateful. He could have said F** at the situation instead of you. Ya know?

But yeah, trust me when I say I know exactly what you are saying. If my "D"H had just ONCE taken a true look at his kid I would have felt relief.

evilsm's picture

My Dh is EXACTLY the same with SD11. See my rant today "Announcement its all my fault". Dh accepts everything SD says as tho it came from Christ himself, he doesn't even question it. They too have "private conversatons" Dh has a hard time talking to SD in front of me because I will ask pointed questions and he knows it. He wants to continue to stick his head in the sand and dismiss his duties as a parent. Empty Risks makes some good points too. I don't get it either honey. I'm in your boat with your Georgie, no real answers but just know you are not alone in your feelings.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

eviecat's picture

I am in this situation daily. Only my DH blames my SD's learning disablilities. He has out right refused to educate himself in this area. I have the info, the school has the info, her doctor has the info, and our counselor the same. But he and his family still pitty her and make excuses. What is going to happen when life hits her square in the face. What is going to happen when she is on her own...or maybe because of the enabling she will NEVER be on her own. This is actually frankly a reality I am not ready to cope with given her hatred towards me.

Don't these DH's understand the charactor issues they cause or enable in their daughters by accepting, ignoring, or denying that these issues must be addressed? Addressed with THEIR daughter not AT their wife.

stepup's picture

I just want to point out that if DH wants to believe his child is a perfect angel let him. Stop putting yourself in the middle.. this is only a LOSING battle! But make it clear that YOU are not going to pay for overages on the phone, replace "lost" items, pay for anything extra etc. You get the idea. If you don't get to have a say in how she is raised, then you shouldn't have any of the other burdens (dicipline, financial etc) that go along with that. Make it clear about WHY you are pulling your support from DH.

Then let DH deal with it. If angel is over on her minutes let DH handle it. Then let him shell out the funds to pay for it. If he doesn't see a problem with her behavior then let it go. Set down your boundaries of things you will not tolerate (bad language, food in the room, leaving their things all over the house etc) and then let DH enforce it. And believe me, this is WAY harder than it sounds.. but in the end, not your kid, not your problem. If DH thinks burying his head in the sand is the solution to his relationship with his child, then let him handle it his way. Just make sure you make it clear to DH that you have your limits and rules and it's his job to make sure she follows them.


k1783's picture

I cannot believe he said that to you. It is definitely not ok to say things like that while arguing. You can be apologized to for hurtful words, but it is very hard to forget them. I am currently doing what "stepup" suggested, letting BD deal with the antics of sd12 by himself, but I literally have to clench my teeth to not speak up when something is going on that annoys me to death or that I do not agree with. This disengagement helps to an extent (as in to not lose my mind in the 'evil stepmom vs. innocent princess' game), although I tend to disengage a little too much from BD and that is not good. The best thing is to let off some steam at this site!

Georgie Girl's picture

Stepup, I agree with you. It is their relationship and I encourage that, however, when it comes to costing me financially (we combine our finances) and him not saying a word and even defending her behavior, I am sorry, I cannot agree. I don't want to tarnish his opinion of his daughter, but I think that she should not be above house rules. He absolutely refuses to make her accountable for anything at all. This is what I have the problem with.


klinder180's picture

Some dads do discipline their chidlren -- whether they are daughters or sons. I think it comes down to more what kind of parent the person is rather than whether they are female or male.


Catch22's picture

Before I came along Dh and SS were like frat brothers!! His sisters have told me stories of an 8 year old SS and my DH playing video games together..SS would say shit and other profanities while in the game and Dh never said a word. Now if he had a girl, she would be the princess and I think it would actually be worse!! So yes, it depends what kind of parent you are to begin with.

But alas, now evil catch is here, I am the bad guy instilling the morals and values for the future.

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Anonymous's picture

I feel for you. I am going through something similar with DH and SD. She has been caught stealing from me and my daughter multiple times over the last year. He knows she is wrong, but still sticks up for her. He also tries to pin it on me, "if you treated her better" type of bull. I am at my wits end, and tired of the escalating problems from both SD and SS. We have them full-time because their mom did meth. Now she is working the system, not paying support (he keeps "forgetting to file for cs") and lying to everyone. The kids are no better. A year of therapy didn't help. They just focused on hating me, and didn't deal with what caused the issue (their mom lying to them and creating the situation). I have a CYA file in case something happens to me because of them. Both of the kids lie to set me up daily. He know they are doing this, but still defends them and blames me for being the cause. I know it isn't my doing, but it still hurts. I wind up crying every night after they go to bed. Thank goodness I have a great relationship with my daughter. The SD steals from her and sets her up too. It makes it hard to come home most days. It is 5 yrs until SD turns 18; I don't know if I can hang in that long. Especially if he knows that she is doing bad things, yet blames me for being the cause.