kid gets no real help from bio parents - can any help by had from state before he is 18?
Hello all,
17 yr old sson, 74 iq, has an IEP (has always) at school and still can't tell time, read much or do much of anything except destroy things. The parents "help" him cheat on schoolwork (what little there is) and the summer school teachers are as well. So, no education for him and he has two more years of high school to get through. Does anyone know of a way to get this kid some training that will help him in the world? The parents waffle between killing him when he has destroyed something else and laughing about how "cute" it is that he is so ignorant. They are his best friends except when they are mad. Neither step-parent is willing to cross the large child because he has an arsenal of weapons and we each realize that as much as he disrespects/disobeys and blows up at the bio parents - we are certainly nothing to him and could easily be taken out of the picture permanently. History of fire starting and killing animals. Can anyone think of a way to get somebody in authority to look and see if he qualifies for assistance? Eight and half years I have been married to his father and my rapport with him is limited to good morning,did you get enough to eat and sometimes good night. The parents don't discipline and no one else is willing to take the risk. Can school advisors who monitor his IEP make recommendations to the parents?
At my wits end!
Surely, there is a state
Surely, there is a state agency you can call and get some guidance.
I know for adults, there are vocational agencies in most states that can help with training and job placement for certain disabilities. I'm not sure where his IQ falls in respect of that. Is it considered mild retardation? Although, at 74, he should be able to tell time and read at a 3rd or 4th grade level, at least.
he has an arsenal of weapons
^^^This should be addressed. How does he own an arsenal of weapons at 17? And he has a history of fire starting and killing animals? He needs more than vocational rehab. Call the authorities, maybe?
Yes, sadly it is tradition to
Yes, sadly it is tradition to give children in this family weapons and no training or rules about their use! I had boy cousins growing up but they were brought up to handle guns properly so this is like the wild west show over here with a dash of scary comedy capers. Caught him shooting into the pump house this afternoon! Said he saw a rat in there, but doesn't have enough sense to know that if you shoot the pump you have no water!!! When I caught him taking shots at the animals (goats, sheep, chickens) I got rid of all of them. Shame, cause it was one of the things we wanted to have when we moved to the country! After many warnings and repeated lapses I have gotten him to understand that cars and houses are not targets, so that's something, I guess. Feel so frustrated because anything I (or other step parent says) is said to be harsh, cruel and just mean. Hoping to "run into" a counselor this year at school and drop a bug in their ear and see if they can suggest anything to bio parents, but it is a thin line to tread cause bio parents are (intentionally or not)ignorant to his capacity for danger and both can be riled up in defense of this cute little scary man-child.
Hmmm, will definitely check
Hmmm, will definitely check on that! Thanks for the suggestion - would be great if he could get enough training to get a job!
A serial killer well on his
A serial killer well on his way.
You say about 6 words to your husband a day. Why haven't you divorced yourself of both the kid and Daddy? Prefer the financial rewards of having a silent roommate? Acceptable answer until the kid shows up with his weapons pointed at you and we read about another murder/maybe suicide.
RUN fool. Or enroll in journalism school as you're pretty good at writing. Specialize in fiction.
Kids weren't in the picture
Kids weren't in the picture (except for every other weekend) when we got married. Only in last two years has bio mom given up and given child to dad. Dad says he will be leaving when he graduates school and this is a nice dream that better come true or I will be out of here. If I didn't have my great dane and a gun of my own and a well developed sense of hearing and intuition I would already be gone. Guess it all comes down to the fact that I love the father and I want my husband and our life back. I can hang in there and wait for the return of normal life if there is progress being made and I guess I am just looking for a way to make some progress in my limited capacity as a step parent.
And the running away is always an option - just hoping it doesn't come to that - but momma's got a bugout bag ready! Journalism, huh? You in that field?
The six words exchanged are
Thanks Devlin-100 - I am
Thanks Devlin-100 - I am thinking PMs are private messages? Appreciate the info!
Didn't see anything in my
:? Didn't see anything in my messages....would love any info/ideas at all!