DF asked for your advice
DF knows that I have been active on this site. I've only been here for a few days, but just being here has helped me SO MUCH. DF doesn't share my enthusiasm. He is very defensive when it comes to his son, to the point where he believes nobody should ever think of him as less than a perfect angel, like he does. So, he's definitely not supportive of me being on a website where I feel like I'm getting the support that I lack from him, because he feels like all we are doing here is putting down other people's children.
Anyway, he actually told me to ask you all for some advice today.
DF works 14 hour days/6 days per week. There isn't much time for him to sleep, let alone do anything else. He is always crunched for time, so we have to utilize our time together efficiently. He has a half hour drive to work and he has been using that to call SS20, who has recently moved out. He calls me on his lunch break. I think this is a very fair use of time management, where he can devote time to both of us everyday and not at the same time.
Anyway, I had a few minutes to talk with DF before he left for work today. I had to talk to him about something *very important*. In the middle of our conversation, his son called and he just picked up and started talking to him. I felt like it was a very rude way of interrupting me. I felt like he could have waited a minute, let me finish my sentence then called his son right back. I felt completely disrespected and tossed to the side. I would have been offended, whether it was his son or not. It's just that he only tramples over me when it IS his son. While SS20 was still living here, this would happen constantly. I would be talking to his Dad, he'd come into the living room and interrupt, and DF started talking to him like we had not been mid-conversation two seconds beforehand. I'm not saying disregard SS or don't acknowledge him. I'm saying that *everyone* should be treated with equal amounts of respect. I think that's why we have this site and are full of resentment, because we feel slighted and not treated equally.
So, he asked me to post about it on here. He thinks that I'm irrational and just hate his son. He's mentioned that I don't "Like" anything on his son's Facebook anymore. I think this is silly, as I never really did before and I don't "Like" everything that my other friends post.
I'm feeling very much forced into having to accept his son, rather than allowing to let nature take it's course. Like I've mentioned in other threads, I don't have a personal problem with SS. I have a problem with DF who is not only struggling to cut the cord, but also doesn't believe that he should ever cut the cord. And very firmly puts his son above everybody else.
I'm sorry, I got to the point
I'm sorry, I got to the point where your DF mentioned that you don't "like" anything on his son's Facebook anymore, and I had to stop. Um, why should you "like" anything he posts? Is the number of times you "like" something some sort of indicator to DF? I don't get it.
Yes, I'm positive that he
Yes, I'm positive that he validates others' opinions of his son by how many Likes and comments he gets on Facebook. He mentioned that our neighbors Like more posts than I do. Well, maybe they are on FB more often than I am and have less friends to attend to. I have other people in my life, too. Also, the neighbors aren't his fiancee' and haven't had to live with him and his son. I don't purposely not like anything. I, seriously, did not even notice that it's been awhile since I have. I text SS at least once a week and that's more than I text most people. It's almost like DF is just looking for things to keep the division between us.
This whole situation could have *easily* been avoided with an apology. Kindness goes a long way with me.
My DH is a stickler for not
My DH is a stickler for not interrupting other people, and he sure as heck doesn't like it being done to him. It's not about hating anyone for crying out loud. Is your DH always this defensive of his adult son?
And, uh, yeah, what's your DH's deal with the FB thing? My DH knows his kids are blocked from my and DD's FB, and the world keeps turning. Your DH needs to get over himself on that issue. It's ridiculous to even say anything to you about it. So silly.
In my opinion, it is rude to
In my opinion, it is rude to cut off or interrupt a conversation with another person unless it is an urgent situation. Even then, it is good manners to excuse yourself before taking the other call. Does your DH cut SS off when you call in the middle of their conversations? If not, your DH is expecting you to live by a double standard which is unfair. But many of us have been there, and that's part of the reason we are here. Many of us, including me, are led to believe it is us - our imaginations or we are over-reacting. We aren't. If anyone else treated your DH with such disrespect he would not like it too much.
If SS is not a full time college student, DH needs to let the leash out a bit. As you wrote on in another post, your father allowed you to grow up into a functional adult. Your DH is not doing this for SS, and he is doing him no favors. This is definitely the time instead of when SS is in his 30's or later.
Assuming your DF KNEW the
Assuming your DF KNEW the conversation he was having with you was important and not idle chit chat, what he did was rude. Just because a phone rings, doesn't mean it needs to be answered. This is one of my DH's bad habits, too, and what you describe with your DF has happened to me.
In my case, I was telling DH that a biopsy came back as possibly cancer and I needed to go in for more tests. Imagine how I was feeling. Yet, in the middle of that very important and intimate conversation, SD calls and DH leaves me crying in the kitchen while he's laughing with her at her recent antics. It was devastating to me. It told me that ANY conversation with her was more important than ANY conversation with me.
I hope your conversation with your DF wasn't anything like that. But, no matter, ditching you for a phone call was rude. When he did that you felt less important than the phone call, that the important issue you were discussing really wasn't important to him at all, like you didn't really have his attention, right? And that is not how a loving partner acts.
At the very least, your DF needs to ask, "Do you mind if I take this call?" And if you DO mind, you MUST speak up and he MUST respect that. This works for us now quite well.
You know, I would have been
You know, I would have been fine if he asked for an okay before answering. I think that's a very simple way to be considerate to someone and I definitely would have appreciated it.
Unfortunately, I can't even discuss a grocery list with him or really any small talk because of his schedule. I have to use what little time he has to only talk about serious issues. I think that is getting old, also. We are definitely lacking fun in our relationship.
Me neither. I let almost all
Me neither. I let almost all of my calls go to voicemail, check it, if it's an emergency I'll call right back. If not, I'll send a text or pm or call them back when I can give them my full attention. I never answer when DF is home simply because our time together is few and far between. I'm starting to wonder if I should preoccupy myself when he IS home.
For 13 years it was almost
For 13 years it was almost "perfect timing" - everytime we sat down for dinner one of his kids would call and of course, it was IMPORTANT! After working all day then come home to cook a good meal, I had enough. DH was too stupid to realize why I was angry and hurt. The first time as soon as he picked up the phone I took away his plate of food and gave it to the dogs. There was no second time!
I know I was a bitch when I did this, but phone calls are now AFTER dinner!
Firstly, the fact that you
Firstly, the fact that you dont *like* ss's facebook posts is an indictor of your dislike is plain ridiculous. How old is DH? As he is coming across like a teen girl on her period...really poor attempt at deflecting a wider and more important issue at hand. DHs rudeness when having a discussion with you (instead of fixing this dysfunctional rudeness he childishly rushes to find examples of your dislike of ss, fab example he came up with...you can insert an eye roll here).
I absolutely find it rude if anyone behaves like that, UNLESS its an actual emergency. I would not expect my partner to treat me disrespectfully, its sending a clear message to you that YOU and your time are unimportant VS his adult son. I say if your DH continues doing this then you start treating him in the same manner, I would imagine if your DH felt the disregard he demonstrates to you then he would be singing a different tune. Its funny how quickly my own DH changed his tune when I began to treat him like he did me -what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Believe me when I say the quickest method of communicating the fact you no longer are going to respectfully ask, discuss this issue with DH and instead will show DH through action how you feel, the quicker HE will change.
As for the lady who posted her DH did this to her when she told him about her cancerous test results :jawdrop: Thats appalling, I am disgusted with your DH and I would be brokenhearted if my partner did this to me. This is not purely a matter of "manners", this is about priorities, compassion and love.
OP you stated that you too were discussing important matters with your own DH, well quite honestly perhaps its time you found an alterative source of support or help, if your DH does not have time to fit you into his scheduled chat with adult ss. Or was ss ringing to say he was experiencing an actual end of the world situation? :O
I'm going to take your
I'm going to take your advice. I think it's completely unfair that I give him the respect he deserves but I do not get it in return. I don't feel like I am hard to please and I would have been very happy if he would have just apologized, rather than pursuing to remind me, yet again, that his son is more important.
His son's phone call was not important. His son only communicates with him when he needs/wants money. This was the same case when he lived here. He uses his Dad. Kinda weird that today was the first time he called "out of the blue" (his Dad's words, not mine) when today just-so-happens to be Dad's payday.
Yeah, it was me with the
Yeah, it was me with the cancer test results (fortunately, turned out NO cancer). That event was actually a HUGE wake up call for DH himself. He was indeed appalled and embarrassed at his own behavior and one of the first looks at himself in his own mirror. We have really struggled with the way his kids have controlled his life.
Quote this to him: "Being
Quote this to him:
"Being liked on Facebook is the equivalent of sitting at the 'cool' table in the insane asylum".
It is the most meaningless exercise that's been invented in decades. It was great for teenagers which Facebook was invented for but anyone who hasn't outgrown 'liking' by age 30 is stuck in late adolescence. (Don't misunderstand me Facebook is fine for posting pictures and events worth announcing but telling everyone "Look I purchased a pack of gum" is plain stupid adult activity).
Interrupting is rude. It's always been rude. Surely his mother taught him that? The rule hasn't changed just because cell phone were invented. Tell him his son is plain rude if by 20 years of age he hasn't learned that. I'll bet his son doesn't interrupt his boss. If he does he'll be job hunting regularly. Maybe he already is.
Every time he sets you aside in this manner you're being slapped in the face.
SS has never had a job. He
SS has never had a job. He moved 2500 miles away last month, for a girl that he met online. He didn't even tell us until 6 weeks before he left. He had applied to a university there and was accepted. They put him in a dorm with 3 roommates and I think he expected to live off of his student aide. When he got there, they said he couldn't start school without $10k. I know he called his Dad to cosign for a loan but his Dad can't because he's spent the past 20 years destroying his credit for this kid. I, honestly, have no idea how he's surviving out there. I hate to say it, but I think he might be taking financial advantage of the girl that he went there for. He's already called to complain about his dorm and put in a request to be by himself. Of course, I foresaw this happening because with SS it's his way or the highway. It was easy for him to dictate/manipulate his Dad, but that won't fly in the real world.
However, his Dad lost plenty of jobs because of his son. He was going to community college here and he didn't drive, so DF revolved his life around his son's needs. That included his work schedule. God forbid SS helped his Dad out, got a part-time job and took the public transit (50 cents) to school.
I am so jealous SS 2500 miles
I am so jealous SS 2500 miles away!!
No matter who was calling, it
No matter who was calling, it was rude and disrespectful of your DF to answer the phone while you were trying to have an important conversation with him. Period.
Facebook. Oh for the love of God and all that is holy, that is the dumbest reason EVER to be upset with anyone. Boo fucking hoo.
What's incredible is, a lot of these men just don't seem to realize that the dislike of their children stem from their own behavior towards their kids, and their willingness to put these kids before their significant other. They are creating an environment that makes it hard to not resent these kids.
Sorry OP did you say your DH
Sorry OP did you say your DH has destoryed his own credit because hes constantly helping out/saving his son and that he has also lost several jobs because he was too busy ferrying ss around and prioritising him over his jobs?!!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
Sounds to me your dh is co-dependant and emotionally emeshed with his son and ss uses this to his advantage, as dh has taught him nothing is more important, cool, amazing as ss :O wow, you have more problems than just dh ditching you when ss pops up, it really does sound like your does not have room for a wife or a relationship because hes too busy burrowing up ss arse. Its unhealthy and incredibly disfunctional, if your dh wants advice then he needs therapy asap. This is not right, love does NOT equal enabling, worshipping and being completely blind to a fault and to the point where dh is self destructing because he has no room for you, himself and other responsibilities!
Thank you so much for your
Thank you so much for your insight. You nailed everything right on the head!! It's incredibly hard for me to see the big picture at times. You have given me a lot to think about because you are exactly right.
Hi there. I don't have any
Hi there. I don't have any advice in regards to your question but I thought of something that I wanted to share. I would be really careful when you post. If your SO knows you come here and he's not supportive of it, commenting that all we do here is put down other peoples kids (I think that's what you said) I would be very concerned that he might get on the computer, figure out the name of this forum and try and determine what your name is that you post under. He's already monitoring your facebook activity so I wouldn't put it past him to try and find you on here. Just a thought. Take care.
Thank you for your advice and
Thank you for your advice and concern. I'm not threatened by him. I haven't said anything on here that he hasn't heard before /isn't aware of.
No problem. Have a nice day
No problem. Have a nice day
P.S.--I'm glad to hear you spoke your mind to him. It feels good to not hold back and be honest about your feelings.
I had to do this with DH when
I had to do this with DH when the FIL used to call at mealtimes or small kids' bedtimes. I agree it is baby-like of them. Some people are terribly slavish about phone calls and emails and need to reply to them in a knee-jerk fashion just as soon as they come in. I think it's servile and betokens low self-esteem.
We do something similar. DH
We do something similar. DH sometimes can't bring himself to say he's in the middle of something, or, worse, he's having dinner with his wife. He will say something like, "there's somebody at the door, I have to go."
And the funny thing? Neither of his kids would care that he's having dinner with his wife. DH has had a lifetime of codependency and enmeshment with these two that it's been hard for him to separate.
When my own kids call, I sometimes don't answer the phone. I'm tired, busy, don't feel like hearing the latest boyfriend drama or whatever. Drives DH NUTS. I just tell him, "I'm letting the household servants handle my callers (great use of voicemail) and I will call back when I have time/energy." Or, if he wants to answer the phone so badly, then HE can talk to my kids. Funny, he never does that...
Hey Val's DH, Stop being a
Hey Val's DH,
Stop being a rude chit, if it wasn't an emergency you did not and should not have interrupted the conversation with your wife and what limited free time you have. 10 years old or 20 years old, my DH would NEVER have done that if his kids called with anything less than an emergency. Yes all our kids are sweet special snowflakes. But I AM my husband's beloved and he respects me as such.
I am a man. I am also a
I am a man. I am also a husband and Step Dad and have been for nearly 20 years.
IMHO the marriage comes fist and is the priority for both partners. Period! Regardless of the number, age, or biology of any children that may be in the home. Minor children are the primary responsibility but the marriage remains the priority. The Spouse always comes first even when there are minor children in the picture regardless of the biology involved.
With adult children, the spouse always comes first. What the hell is a grown man doing speaking to his adult son every day? An even bigger question, what is a 20yo man doing calling his daddy every day?
When I am away from my DW I speak to her every day. When SS was young I spoke to him every day when I spoke to his mom if I was away from home on a business trip.
I also happen to be very close to my parents. When I lived in the same country as my parents but a different state I would often call them when commuting to or from work. Commute time is a great time to stay in touch with people or to network. (On hands free of course.) However, I do not allow staying in touch with my parents or any other family or friends to take away from my time with my bride.
Though not familiar with the details of your situation, it does strike me that your DF has a priority issue with is DS-20 that seems to take precedence over his relationship with you. I would investigate that closely before promoting DF to DH. If he cannot keep his relationship with you the priority over his adult child then you may want to consider your options.
My bride and I struggle with our own 21yo son. (My SS). The damned kid never answers his phone, never calls us, never emails us, rarely responds, etc… Which as I recall was the same thing my parents bitched about when I was that age and what most parents bitch about regarding their young adult just leaving the nest children.
Like your husband seems to struggle with, I struggle with not answering a ringing phone. I was raised at a time when etiquette was that you answered the phone if you were at home. I have adapted though. With the advent of modern telecommunications ..... a ringing phone? ..... That is what V-mail is for. If it is important, send me a text if I don't answer.
Rags, will you please come to
Rags, will you please come to my home and give my DH phone etiquette and how to treat a wife???