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She Is Making Up Illness

ffwife908's picture

SD age 20 is acting like she has ovarian cyst and has to have emergency surgery. Funny how my friend that she use to baby sit for just had to have emergency surgery for the same thing. SD was sending text and FB messages to everyone who knows my DH to get his phone number (we had to change them due to SD and BM harassing us). Someone who works in EMS with my DH gave her the number to SD and DH was beyond mad, he found out who it was and flipped out on him. He told this person that SD did not have his number for a reason and that he should of text or called him before giving it out. That it is his number and no one has any right to give it out with out asking him. The person said I am sorry did not think that it was a big deal because it was your daughter. When we changed them the first time and were very careful who had them, they were told they were not to give them out for any reason without contacting us to see if it was ok. Several people did do this, and the one person who did not felt my DH's wrath because he was told already not to give it out for any reason.

SD harassed him all day, we would call the cell phone company block the number and she would call from another, we kept blocking them until she ran out of numbers to call from. Why will she not stop, all she wants to do is cause problems. If we have to change our numbers again it will be such a hassle. DH is a EMT and Vol Firefighter and will have to change it with several dispatch companies.

We just want it to stop. SD is not ill, she just wants pity from everyone. BM is the same way. I am so fed up! I cried all day.

backseat driver's picture

That is crazy, and I am sorry she got the number, that is frustrating as all get-out. How do you stop that without a restraining order which seems over the top. My SD kinda does that too, calls DH with every freaking physical symptom and describes it in great detail and wondering if it is cancer or not.

NevermoreLenore's picture

Your husband blocked his daughter because he didn't want to be harassed about her medical conditions?

Or is she lying? Is she calling for something other than her hospitalization?

ffwife908's picture

SD has no medical conditions, she is making it up. A few months back she made up that she was pregnant and lost the baby, but was on Twitter and FB every hour looking for pity. I have friends and family who have lost a baby and they were in to much pain and grief about the loss. So if she lost a baby she would not of been on social networks every hour on the hour and home from the ER 4 hours later.

SD is a pathological liar and if someone else has it she has it too. We were told she is seeking pain pills, we do not know if they are for her or her BM, or both. My DH works in EMS and they know who the drug seekers are because they are always making up illnesses that cause them pain, calling the ambulance and going to ER. SD was at 4 different hospitals in a 48 hour period and she was sent home each time. My DH still has friends at the ambulance company that covers the area where SD lives, so it get back to him.

Sweetnothings's picture

Ffwife908, I think your sd is just like mine. She is what is called a Mythomaniac. for years she has manipulated a lot of people, especially sapbfs, but any stranger will do !! For years before I disengaged from sd23 I had a front row seat to all this, while being told all of the excuses, sd will grow out of it, poor sd, c.o.d sob stories, blah,blah,blah ....... Yeah right !!!!

DH now just says, well, she is an Adult now, it's her choice, I can't do anything about it ( which is true, but you ignored it for years when sd was a kid ) I'm disengaged but it still annoys me when other people ask or tell me something about the sd, and I'm remaining removed from it all. Nothing changes over the years, infact, just weeks ago the sapbf, now the sap engaged to sd bf, told me face to face about how much sd has travelled the World ( um, she has NOT, but is great about making up stuff !!) And I had to stand there, shaking my head in disbelief in my mind, that sd is still doing this ) It used to be hard to stay quiet, when she told, such terrible lies in the past, she lied about miscarrying too, being seriously injured and hospitalised, saving a family member who was seriously ill, travelling the World etc.

Now I'm just relieved she is far away from us, and is not bringing the Crazy to our front door !! It's just all over the Internet .......

Towanda's picture

I have one of those liars too. I have been disengaged for 3 1/2 years but her soon to be ex called me to tell me she has ovarian cyste and possibly cancer. He told me what she was taking for it. You would laugh if I told you what it was. I reassured him she was lying. She is repeating her stories, must be running out of new ones. My step son in law have been conversing alot lately and she has from the beginning of the marriage been telling him all sorts of fabrications. Pregnancy and losing babies, cancer etc. He fell for it all these years.

By the way, she admitted to him she was fine this time a few weeks later. Apparently he confronted her and she couldn't squirm her way out of it. That was probably a first!