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7 year old SD potty issue

staying calm's picture

Being clean is an issue with my SD7. When I say clean I mean in everyway. She doesn't care about brushing her teeth, washing her hands, brushing her hair, taking a bath... and I guess you could say what 7 year old does... but the most recent addition is causing problems. It started with the drips around the toilet. DH and SD7 and I are the only one's there, so I naturally addressed DH and asked that he be careful not to drip all over the floor! He kept denying it, which was odd... then I had a I left the toilet paper roll with one sheet on it. One thin sheet. And after SD7 was in the restroom and flushed, I steped in to "wash the glass" and saw that yes, there was still one thin sheet of toilet paper. I brought her in right away and addressed it. I said " you know that everytime you use the restroom you need to wipe off right?" She looked confused. So I took a deep breath and explained to her that ladies needed to wipe off everytime they used the restroom no matter what! She said she got it. That was about a year ago. We have talked about it several more times, just her and I, and I have also talked to her Dad, who seemed confused too but agreed that hygeine was important and agreed to stress the importance to her. SD7 is not the brightest bulb in the box, but time after time I've told her and time after time she isn't doing it. Last weekend BM called to say that SD7 has an infection...which is no big suprise considering! I'm concerned on two fronts, one shouldn't BM have covered this during potty training at 2 or 3??? And how can I address this situation if it continues? Which I have every reason to believe it will. And how can I address more sensitive issues of this nature which I'm sure will arise in the teen years?

ThatGirl's picture

I think you handled it well. I'm guessing you and DH will have to follow up by asking her each and every time she visits the bathroom if she wiped and washed her hands. Also remind her that she has to wipe front to back. Let her know that her infection was probably caused by not wiping or not wiping properly. Have DH talk to her BM about it, as well, if they can communicate about these things.

PeanutandSons's picture

I have these same issues with sd8.5. She doesn't wipe, and only flushed part of the time. I've tried everything under the sun, and nothing works. Week before last, I found unflushed poopcin the toilet with no toilet paper 4 times. This week I've found it twice and Dh found it once. I am sure she does the exact same thing at school. I am to the point where I've essentially given up. If she wants to be the nasty smelly kid who doesn't wipe her butt, nothing I say or do will change that.