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My husband seems to be closer to his 7 year old daughter than me( almost intimate)

stepmomIT's picture

No, not in a sexual way, but they have such a close relationship. He wont discipline her, and she gets whatever she wants. She still wants to be held by dad all the time, ( she will be 8 in a couple months), she strattles her dads lap, she still is obsessed over looking or trying to get a glance of his penis,...I found them the other night crying together as he put her to bed cause she did not want to go home to her moms the next day. OK...If I cry, I get yelled at..daughter is told everything, nothing about my marriages is sacred, she saw my wedding pics with her dad before we even has a chance to review together. She wins on every topic...even if she needs to be sent to her room...he picks her feelings over mine....always...rather than telling his daughter no, or thats not acceptable, he would rather it be me in my room crying...which happens more often than I would like to admit. I am just a visitor in this house, a nanny...she seems to be the wife...he has much more of a closer relationship with her than me..he tells her everything! Does anyone else deal with this? I feel so dismissed all the a freaking 7 year old spoiled brat!

BorBor's picture

Alot of us have these same problems, with our DH and Skid, it can stem from guilt that DH feels for the failed marriage or whatever. Guilt parenting.

I think your voice really needs to be heard, this behavior of your DH is only going to create a bigger monster SD. I know how it feel when the skid walks in the door and all of a sudden, your waiting in corner waiting for them to leave to get your DH back.

Talk to DH, let him become aware of his behavior.

doglover1's picture

let the games begin. SHe is not your biggest problem, he is. Its simple he is the only one that can let or not let this kind of behavior happen. Communication is key. In the mean time when I have difficult times like those...I disengage. THat means take care of me. I find things to do...go out with friends..just simply go about my business. LEt the men stay at home with skidlets and have all the fun of DDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAA commmmeeee hereeeeeeeeeeeee.

mcyndy's picture

I can relate to the too close for comfort thing. Call it what you will, we had the same situation. My stepdaughter and my husband had been "a couple" for 10 years. Hubby didn't date much and devoted his entire life to his darling daughter. In many ways she's a sweet young woman, but still a woman who was offended by having her daddy taken away. That's hard to swallow. I'm the evil woman who stole her daddy. My husband has learned to adjust with the hope that his and my relationship will be one this his daughter will emulate with her future husband. If he treats me poorly, he can be assured that his daughter will settle for the same type of treatment. Unless Dad wants to continually be the hero in his daughter's life by bailing her out of bad relationships that he will be ensured that by treating his wife poorly. I get what guilt is all about. You are either guilty or not guilty. Its not a feeling. The feeling is shame over how they treated the former spouse. Men have a hard time with pride and admitting their mistakes. Pray for him and don't try to teach him. He'll resent you. Its much easier to be a hero to a kid that to a grown woman.

Danie's picture

wow i cant believe what im reading, i have been going through hll the last year of my life with this 11 year old pre pms monster (that love of course). Same situation mom and dad dated for 14 years never got married split up 4 years ago dad and i just bought a house, moved in, getting married and she gets whatever she wants. i tell him stuff and she contradicts it and he says well you dont have a great memory so why should i believe you? She doesnt lie...thats just the begnning of this story...if anyone has time to give me real advice i would love it.

CrystalRE's picture

There is nothing normal about this situation. Im not sure what you SD's motivation is becasue I have never had to deal with a situation like this directly but I can tell you that if it happened in my home we would seek some serious counseling. I cant imagine this child growing into a healthy adult having such an unhealthy relationship with her father at this age.

Endora's picture

With a SS16! Can you imagine?

I met DH when SS was 12 and he was clingy and hanging off his Father 24/7 emotionally stunted and stuck at age 4 by his BP's non-parenting (see some of my earlier posts as to how bad it was)-DH and I had many a heated discussion about this unhealthy dynamic that was going on (he was completely oblivious to the dynamic!).

At the time he had SS EOW and they were a "couple" who did everything together (thank goodness I did not have to put up with the sleeping together issue some SP's have to).

I basically told him that if he wanted a marriage to an adult that would be me, if not he could go back to keeping SS16 in this emotionally unhealthy situation ( I used the example of my grown sons-who were raised by me alone and I did not use them as my emotional crutch!) and reap what he sows by this crazy alliance.

It is not perfect as SS and DH were a "couple" longer than he and I have been-but it is getting better once the elephant was out of the closet so to speak.

SS16 really resents me as the wife as I have taken HIS place-but seriously, this teen needs to get a life outside of hanging off his father.

It will all depend on your SO's willingness to a)admit there is a problem
b)If they want their children to be emotionally whole as adults.

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

SD17 and H have an unnatural relationship also-if you think a 7 yr old sitting on "daddys" lap all the time, wait till you have to watch it with a 17 yr old!-almost 18! Talk about as the stomach turns.

I was just reading KK's post-her SD is 29, and it's still about SD & "Daddy".

These men have these strange attachments to nearly grown or grown daughters-

You might, if you're in a position to do so, get this nipped right now. Before you have to watch from the sidelines as your life as a wife passes by.

sarahbernheart's picture

do you think that however creepy and unatural it is that these men (excluding our men on here) feel SAFE loving these kids as a partner?
that it is a safe love for them?
IDK maybe I am way off base on this but it just seems that there is some pattern some MO that has to tie this all together and maybe it could be that these men were so HURT by the biomom that they feel "safe" giving this love to the child and NOT safe loving a real partner the same way?
ok feel free to whack me with a stupid stick ..again!!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

byebye's picture


Anon2009's picture

These biodads just don't seem to understand that it's possible for them to show affection to both their children AND us when the kids are around. I can understand missing your kids when they're not there and wanting to show them attention when they are there visiting, but it's not fair to us SMs to be completely cast off.

My reasonable (IMHO) compromise is:

-skids each get 1 hour or so of alone time with dad- all kids need alone time with their parents. The SM can use that time to bond with the skid who isn't with their dad.
-SMs still get their date nights with their boyfriends/fiances/DHs when the skids are over- it shows the skids what a healthy adult romantic relationship is like
-the next day, everyone does a family activity-takes a day trip, goes for a walk, plays a game, etc.

This way EVERYONE gets attention and NOBODY feels neglected.

stepmomIT's picture

Thanks everyone for your comments- I agree with everytihng I have read- at least I am not totally unreasonable in thinking this is at the very least not fair to me as a "wife" We just started counseling, and this is an issue that will be addressed on Tuesday the 24th. From what I can tell from our doctor, the doctor says husband and wife are the core of every home, that the way they behave is how the kids will view a healthy marriage. He feels very strongly about "adult time" whether it is date night, or even just time in the house. Now, being negative, I jsut dont see my DH will ever get there to the point.fact is he would rather be with them. But at least this doctor, can point out what a healthy relationship is. Doctor also said if we can get this worked out, this will not last. SO...wish me all luck- I just want to be a treated like a wife, be the women of the house...and I am just not. Im afraid, self esteem has been torn away...Can you blame me. DH tells daughter he loves her at least 3-4 times on the phone...he never tells me.....when she is here, he tells her everynight before she goes to bed....he does not if you want to call it jealousy...perhaps it is....but can you blame me when these loving acts are given to a child...not me...a freaking newlywed!
Thanks everyone for your support

stepmom2one's picture

my H and I look at it as..

me and him on a level and the kids are on another level (beneath us so to speak) then the rest of family, then friends.

Putting this on the table to your H with a counselor should help you out a lot.

stepmom2one's picture

My SD had this weird relationship with my H for about the first 2 yrs we were together after that my H has withdrawn from SD almost completely.

He does not guilt parent and has made a complete turn around. It has worried me just a little that he wants such little to do with her now.

Your H may change over time, maybe not. When my H and I were dating I said when I get married I must be No 1 over anyone else. He said I will be No 1 over the children we will be a team. And he is true to his word about that. If we start to argue about SD he says "your my no 1 honey, what do you want me to do about it?" Music to my ears!!

Good luck to you. Ask your H straight out where you stand in his eyes.

groovetheory's picture

Total Sigmond Fruedian issues. I know that both of them might have went through some things in the separation, however being that close is too much. At some point, girls need to be a little separated from their dads, sitting on laps need to be out the window. My SD9 now takes showers and her dad doesn't go in the bothroom, and she can't tramp around the house in a towel, she isn't little anymore - shes a growing lady and she needs to know the difference. As far as your relationship with your DH - I don't care who he was married to before - the wife is always #1, and if you are religious god is #1, wife #2, family the fact that he is closer to his children than you is a receipe for disaster. Watch your back sister.

LizzieA's picture

That happens when a parent substitutes emotional intimacy with a child for that with a spouse--happens often in troubled marriages when the adult confides inappropriately in the child, makes them feel responsible for the parent's wellbeing. Very damaging to children.