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BM... are you serious?

BSgoinon's picture

DH got a text from BM yesterday evening. He hasn't heard from her in MONTHS...probably close to 6 or 9 months.

This is how the conversation went:

BM- Dr's office just called. SS hasn't had a physical since 2014 so I scheduled one for him. It's October 2 at 3:30
DH- He literally has one scheduled right now, and has one done every year. Cancel that appointment and don't do that again
BM- Well, they called me and said he was due for one
DH- Odd, since there is one scheduled and he most definitely has one every year. He has to for baseball.
BM- It was just simple communication. I was just letting you know
DH- You don't need to schedule him anything, you don't know what else he has going on, and it's not like you will be taking him to any appointments. Don't do that again.
BM- I will cancel it.
BM- Have a good day

:? :?

I LITERALLY scheduled him an appointment on Friday because he brought home the athletic packet from school. So... there is NO chance they called and said he needed one scheduled. And, he had one last year, in July, before we went to Cooperstown. So, since 2014??? Lie.

And... she has not been in his life for 2 years. And prior to that she had not made him an appointment of ANY KIND for several years. All of the sudden yesterday she decided it was a good idea to do this? On a school day, he doesn't even get out of school until 3:15 so he would never make it on time to a 3:30 appt. But she would never know that.

F*ing WEIRD WEIRD person.


TheAccidentalSM's picture


Maxwell09's picture

I wonder what drug of choice made her go all Pro-Active Mom? Let's hope she afford too much more of it because this would annoy me. BM doesn't schedule SS for anything and definitely doesn't try to bring him but she gets all huffy when the receptionist mistakenly called her Mrs. DH.

lintini's picture

I know this BM is methy... but I can't recall if she's also the motorcycle babe with no other vehicle or was that someone else? Could she even get SS to a doctor's appt? :?

BSgoinon's picture

lintini- not a motorcycle babe... she wishes LOL. She has no car. Not even sure if she has a license these days. Much less car insurance. There is no way for her to get him anywhere. BUT... she did tell her Stepmom last week that she is getting a car soon and then "no one can tell her when she can and can't see SS"... uhh... yes we can LOL

--figureditout--'s picture

It sounds like she is angling to get some alone time with him. What a POS this woman is. I am so happy for your SS that he has you and DH to love and care for him.

hereiam's picture

Yeah, the Dr's office called HER, because she is such an involved parent. Do some more drugs, BM.

moving_on_again's picture

She really might have hallucinated it. I imagine she hallucinates she's a good parent, too.

advice.only2's picture

In her convoluted drug riddled mind maybe she thinks that if she starts scheduling stuff then she has the right to just step in and be "mommy" again and start taking SS to stuff.

For years meth whore swore up and down in court that she "gave temporary custody" to DH...she refused to believe that custody was taken away from her by the courts.

WalkOnBy's picture

OMG - Medusa maintains that she "gave up" the skids - because to her, that's better than having them taken from her....

justkeepstepping's picture

When DH was first awarded custody BM went all over town crying that he took the kids away from her. Claiming that he got them because he had a big bad attorney and she couldn't fight back.

Now she tells people she gave them to DH because she was in a bad place in her life and couldn't take care of them. Anyone with half a brain can look online at the court records and see that she kept refusing to even show up for court and try to get custody. Technically no one had custody when DH filed. They were never married.

In reality, CPS placed the kids with us because she was a meth head and homeless.

WalkOnBy's picture

Okay - Medusa did that, too!! She would constantly whine in her pleadings about DH and his "big city lawyer." She started with "they took my kids" to "I gave up my kids"

I mean, which of those is better???