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Never been to jail, not into drugs and I'm able to marry my baby dad

zerostepdrama's picture

Disengaged from skids but came across this that YSD posted on FB:

I have a baby, getting a car, getting an apartment, starting college in January and getting married all in this year of being 18. On top of never been to jail not into drugs and im able to marry my baby dad. It's all happening early in my life but sometimes that's okay.

I guess the fact at the young ripe age of 18 that she's not a druggie and hasn't been to jail is an accomplishment that she must post about on FB. Also that she is able to marry her baby dad. Guess that is a brag because it could be that she doesn't know who the dad is. Blum 3

I hope that she gets a car and gets an apartment and does go to college. That way her baby will hopefully have a decent chance at life.

I'll be curious if she lets DH know she is getting married, asks for money, asks him to walk her down the aisle to the judge (I'm going to assume it's a court house wedding.)


zerostepdrama's picture

LOL! He is the baby daddy. He's in basic training for the Air Force right now so I think there is some hope for the baby. *fingers crossed* though Baby Daddy has a history of cheating on YSD.

robin333's picture

Sounds like some low expectations to me. I guess she might be comparing herself to her siblings?

zerostepdrama's picture

If it's a comparison to her siblings then she is doing better then them! Well OSD did marry her baby daddy....

zerostepdrama's picture

No idea about car $ because she doesn't work.

Supposedly her plan is for her and baby daddy to live half way between college and the base he will be stationed at. Which would be about a 45 minute drive for each of them. No idea why they don't live where he's stationed at and she goes to college there. Especially since it's a college town. And since she will be living in a city where she knows no one, no idea who will be babysitting while she's in school. She also said she's going to school for "anesthesiology". Which I'm confused about considering she barely graduated high school.

zerostepdrama's picture

Not sure about sign up bonus but it has to be something because she's not working so no way for her to get a car on her own.

I'm positive that she said anesthesiology. Because my friend was there and she was oh that's great that's almost like being a doctor and YSD did not correct her

hereiam's picture

It seems to me, that if he's in the Air Force, and they are going to get married, and the base is in a college town (but they are going to live 45 minutes from the base), they are going about this all wrong.

zerostepdrama's picture

My understanding was they weren't living in college town or at the Air Force Base/that city. They were going to get an apartment in between those two places.

zerostepdrama's picture

Makes zero sense... But this was a few weeks ago when she said this. It's possible now that they are supposedly getting married that they may live on the base.

WalkOnBy's picture

"im able to marry my baby dad."

Aside from the obvious grammatical errors, why is she "able" to marry the baby daddy instead of "happy" to marry baby daddy?

I want to punch this girl in the face for having such low standards....

zerostepdrama's picture

It is...

momjeans's picture

I will never knock someone's goals, but... in reading your past blog posts:

She lacks emotional intelligence. These "goals" are disposable to an 18 year old that loses their sh*t when things don't go their way.

Also, if her siblings can see that Facebook post, that's a backhanded jab if I ever read one.

Air Force basic training. Good for him, but meh. That's a whole other ball of wax and it isn't an automatic badge of morality. There's a high rate of substance abuse, spousal abuse, cheating, that goes on within base living. This isn't anything to brag about - these days.

But, hey, "aim high" I'd say if I were you, zerostepdrama. I'm sure you already have.

zerostepdrama's picture

I just smile and nod Smile

I believe in actions not words... anybody can say anything. It's actually doing something that makes a difference.

Maxwell09's picture

This sounds like some crap my teenage cousin would post. She's just looking for pats on the back for doing what she's suppose to be doing with her life. Comment "Yay for adulting" }:)

zerostepdrama's picture

Agree! Like aren't you supposed to stay out of jail and not be on drugs?

zerostepdrama's picture

My SM is friends with her on FB and she liked the post. I'm like uuuggghhhh SM! No. Just no.

Livingoutloud's picture

She did better than my OSD. Mine was into drugs, has been in jail twice, and never married baby daddy. lol everything is relative I guess