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the kronicles of kaos kontinue

Tuff Noogies's picture

two days in a row, kaos comes home in a $#!tty mood, 'poking' dh EVERY.SINGLE.OPPORTUNITY he could. i stayed outside most of the evening just to avoid him, and let dh deal with him how he wants.

well, theeeen kaos finds out that lurch is spending the night elsewhere. he immediately gets on the phone "g-ma can i spend the night with youuuuu?" dh says "NO! No you cannot!" "but whyyyyy?" "because, kaos, you didnt as ME first!" "ohmygawwwwdthatsjuststeeeewpid!!!" "kaaaaoooossss...." (said in a loud growl). he sighs loudly, stomps down the hallway and slams his door. i went right back outside, cuz i know this is gonna get interesting.

three minutes later, here he comes again "can i really not go to g-ma's?" "NO." "but whyyyyy?" "you didnt ask ME first." "but i forgooooot." "well this will make you remember better." "but this is dumb, why does lurch get to go somewhere but i cant?" "out of RESPECT for me as YOUR FATHER, lurch ALWAYS asks before making any plans!" "so why can't i go to g-ma's???" "i told you NO, just go back to your room!" (i can hear all this, cuz the porch is right off the living room)

i came back inside and said to dh "ok, i'm taking bets now. i bet he'll be out two more times to have the exact same conversation with you." dh sighed and said "i'm sure he'll do it more times than that!" then i heard the bedroom door open so i slipped back outside - this time i went around the side of the house so that way i would only hear voices but not their actual words.

when i come back in, kaos is gone. my first thought was an exasperated "really, dh..." but instead i just looked at him and said "oh?" dh said "yup. he said some really evil $#!t, so i told him to grab his bag and go, and dont bother effing coming back. not tomorrow, not the next night or the night after, just stay the h3ll THERE." dh was so hurt and angry he just went to bed - it wasnt even 9p yet.

*sigh* it's just so sad all the way around.


Tuff Noogies's picture

exactly, river. LF i totally understand your comment and in most cases i'd agree, cuz that was my initial reaction as well.

this kid responds to NOTHING. not discipline, not correction, not punishment, not even physical. he has two emotions - happy when he gets his way, and angry when he doesnt. no in between. he has no empathy, no regard for others, no nothing. he MUST learn that treating with respect the adults who provide his entire world is NOT negotiable in our house. and if he doesnt like it, he can live elsewhere.

bearcub25's picture

That is how SS16 is. Parents just gave him bc of his violence and nastiness.

It is exhausting to deal with. Wish I had some answers but when they don't respond to anything, there is no set way to deal with it.

Good for you for just staying out of it bc that is hard to do.

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh boy... does Grandma know he's not coming back! :? :O lol

You are right... this brat sounds like my SD18 in the making. If you don't get your way, badger, pester and hound until you do.. but whatever the case, you MUST get your way at all times!

At least you have the kid out of your hair for a bit!

Tuff Noogies's picture

why yes daizy she does - dont you know when dh told him to go to her house and not come back, kaos called g-ma back right then and there and told her exactly what dh said. i'm sure she's got her panties in a wad today - meh. i'm thinking she'll likely keep him for a few days (unless she has to work) because donchaknow "you cant treat that BAAABYYYY like that!"

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Sally, only on the occasional weekend. But I WILL be spiking it at Christmas before the skids arrive!!! }:)

Tuff Noogies's picture

oh ladies you are so correct, he is precisely why i drink - lol!!!

and precisely why my smoking has doubled. and precisely why i am on blood pressure meds, and anxiety med.

i have told dh for many long months that i think his stomach issues are from stress. not only can he not get away from the kid long enough to test that theory, but there's other issues stressing him out too and making him deeply depressed. BUT yesterday he did have a lovely day, was in a fantastic mood, and was happily puttering in the garage when i got home.