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Caught possible drug deal before it was supposed to go down--or am I just being overly suspicious?

Worstcasescenerio's picture

So I read my SS's text messages because I monitor my bio son's (BS14)as well, and sometimes it's not easy to tell them apart based on their friends' phone numbers as all text messages to/from both boys show up on my husband's and my iPad.

Anyway, my suspicions were raised when SS13's friend started texting about getting more candy from some other guys, and that he would have the guy call him (SS13). Then they keep talking about which day the candy will get here,
how much do you want,
2 bags of "good candy",
m&ms hitting like 3 gs (whatever that means),
ok the candy is getting here on Wednesday,
ok from both guys?,
ya, someone is gonna call u later today,
does the dude have a really deep voice,
ya, did he call u?
Ya, and he asked for my name and then he hung up,
haha ima meet up with him later,
like everyone is sooo dry right now,
ya I figured,
But dude on hollowen I can get a lot and we can meet at the desert or sometin.
Yep, did u hear from anyone
One guy picked up his phone and he said that he stopped so no nothin
Wtf why would he stop now before school starts like at least 1 more before it does
Cuz his mom found out
Oh that sucks
Ya I know

So my husband is still hoping that they're just talking about M&M chocolate candies, OR that if they are talking about drugs that it's just talk and they're just trying to act older/badder than they really are.

What do you all think?


overworkedmom's picture

Yeah... They aren't talking about M&M's... I am just hoping that "candy" is only Pot and not something more...

I agree with Smellissa, at home drug test time.

misSTEP's picture

I'm sure that it isn't "dry" for M&Ms. If they wanted M&Ms, they wouldn't have to wait for Halloween to get some. Sounds like a pot deal to me.

Annoyed1's picture

Here, m&m's is the street name for some pills. He's NOT talking about the candy and what he's talking about is much more dangerous than pot.

Worstcasescenerio's picture

Where is "here" Annoyed1? We live in Phx, AZ.
Do you know what kind of pills they may be talking about?

justanothergurlNJ's picture

YUP I am from Jersey and live in a mostly middle class town but heroin is running rampid in the upscale communities.

Worstcasescenerio's picture

Ok, thank you for letting me know I'm not crazy to be concerned. SS13 did admit to DH that he smoked pot with his older brother over the summer, so maybe he's into it now and planning on doing it here. I hope that's all it is. I'm not so worried about pot, more so the chemical drugs that you can OD on the first time trying, or get really addicted to.

I told my DH that we should get a drug test from Walgreens and he pulled up some lame article that he found online that had 7 (lame) reasons not to. I told him that I had 2 reasons to do it:

1) We'll find out for sure if he's done drugs, so we'll know what we're dealing with, and
2) So that SS13 realizes that he's not going to get away with it, and knowing he could be tested at any time, might serve as a deterrent from trying it in the first place.

Frustratedlady's picture

I am no expert, but I do know for sure it's a drug deal. I thought M&M's are code for Xanax and 3 g's means 3 grand.

lolonme's picture

3gs = 3 grams
'dry' means the dealer doesn't have any or hasn't had any for a while.

both terms used for a weed dealer.

time to buy an at home drug test and get rid of the cell phone!

hereiam's picture

Yes, 'cuz all 13 year old boys have conversations like this over M&Ms, the candy coated chocolate candies. Good Lord.

Here's a clue: anyone can buy M&Ms (the candy coated chocolate candies) at the store. No need for some covert operation.

As far as it just being talk, they are texting each other, not talking about it in front of a group of peers that they are trying to impress.

Your husband needs to get his head out.