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K.Honeycutt's picture

So I'm pretty sure my step daughter HATES my existence.. I try and try and try and she will work with me for awhile then just pretty much spit in my face... idk what to do... I feel like she is just "good" for a better lack of words... to me when her dad is right there...


K.Honeycutt's picture

Shes 14 and I just dont understand cuz I never acted the way she does towards my Step Parents

luchay's picture

The key word in your first sentence is that she hates your EXISTENCE....

So it's not you personally, it's just that you exist in her and dear old dad's life.

My sd is just turned 13, and she hates my existence too. All i can say is try not to take it personally, don't let her get away with stuff either though. My OH wuld prefer i ignore whatever shit she pulls so that she will start to like me. Oh F*$K no.... i'll settle for respectful at this point. So, I still treat her respectfully and civilly, but i am not going out of my way for her either.

Gtg good luck

K.Honeycutt's picture

I feel the same way.. thats what my hubby says and I'm like oh hell no!! I dont let her get away with shit and thats his "baby" so blah!!! I'm just really confused most of the time acting like I got a handle on this when i wanna pull my damn hair out in reality

overworkedmom's picture

I am like Luchay. Whenever SS starts with his crap- I just walk away. Disengaging to an extent helps. When your blood pressure starts to rise from the stress tell yourself "Not my problem" and walk into another room. Now, My SS will follow screaming and once again- walk into another room.

She doesn't hate you- she hates that she can't have her parents together. This is in no way your fault. It will probably never truly hit her on why she feels the way she does (unless she becomes a stepmom herself one day).