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Want to run...

justbreathe26's picture

My s/o is a seasonal worker and this is his busiest time of year so I don't spend a whole lot of time with him until the weekend. He is also very a.d.d. and he can't sit still for anything and always has to be busy. Combining these two things makes it very difficult at times to spend any quality time together. Anyways, he made a comment one night about how he could get these tickets for a concert, but he didn't know if he really wanted to go or spend the money and all that, because honestly he is kinda cheap. To make a long story short, I bought him some cowboy boots, a shirt, and stuck the tickets inside the boots and told him we were going out for a fun night because we deserved it. To be honest, I wouldn't have cared what the heck we would have done, I just wanted to do something fun with him and get away from all the drama that is going on.
I should have just stayed home and saved the money. Maybe I am wrong, but this is what irritates me to no end. I had been working everyday for the last 2 weeks and I mean everyday (I have 3 jobs). Friday was the concert. I had gotten done at 11 that day due to the concert was starting at 5. I was tired, so was he...He had to get up at 3:00am that morning to finish work in time and get home. By the time we left, we both looked exhausted. I told him I would drive there and he could take a nap, and then on the way home he would drive so I could sleep as I had a 5k in the cities that next morning and had to get up at 5:30 am. All in all I probably should have thought about this a little better.
We got to the concert and were sitting there waiting for it to start and the whole time he was on his phone texting some other people that were at the concert as well. It just bothered me that I wanted some one on one time and no phones and he couldn't even do that. I could tell he wanted to meet up with his friends and drink and I told him that he should go ahead. (mentally I threw my hands in the air and was giving up). The concert lasted until 11 and we got home at 1:30am. I went to my 5k, got back in the afternoon and he went to a graduation. I had something that afternoon as well and he told me to call him when I was done.
When I was done, I texted him and called him and his phone was turned off. Now when he wants to go out with his friends I am totally okay with that. We both do things that we want and go out with friends separately, we just let each other know. When he didn't answer his phone it ticked me off because he had told me that he wanted to do something that night. I figured he was with his friends and that was fine, but I wish he would have at least given me a courtesy call to let me know.
I was mad, because I could have stayed with my friends and not cancelled my plans and sat at home waiting for him. This hasn't been the first time that I have waited for him and it is really pissing me off the more I think about it.
To make things worse, the bf was suppose to do something with his dd at 11 today, they had planned on seeing a movie and then she had softball practice at 4. As of a sudden the raptor texts him if you don't pick her up at 10 she isn't going with. Then the dd calls and says she has to be picked up at 10 or don't bother. She says that she has errands to run at 10. The dd is 12 and can stay home for an hour by herself, it isn't the first time for god sakes, but no she is throwing a big fit about the whole thing. The time isn't the problem, it is all about control for the BM. If it isn't done her way then it isn't done at all. I told the bf to stick to his guns and tell the dd that dad made plans at 11, he can't make 10 and if she can't make that then they will have to reschedule another time. The dd called back and said the BM cancelled her plans so 11 will work, making him feel guilty. Errr. She is so full of drama it is ridiculous and what makes it worse is then the dd thinks that he is the bad guy as well when really it is the BM.
But I get sidetracked with all the stuff that is happening.
Is it wrong for me to have some one on one time with my bf or am I just being too needy? I don't think I ask for much, but when we do go out at times I really do want the phones to be put away and just to have some one on one that we can catch up and have some quality time instead of the texting random people or hanging out with his or my friends. Do I need to have a talk with him or am I just becoming a whiner?


Journey1982's picture

Your story is very similar to mine, so I know how you feel. I don’t think you are needy nor are you being unrealistic to want to spend time with your SO - uninterrupted and alone. I recommend you sit down with your SO down and explain how you feel. If he doesn't change his ways, then you have to make a decision. Can you spend the rest of your life like this?

justbreathe26's picture

With all the other stuff going on in our lives, I don't know that I can or want to. Love may not be enough.

Journey1982's picture

For me love is not enough. Even though I started resenting him, I still love him. I knew if things didn't change, the love would be gone. About three months ago I told him it was over and I walked away because I wasn't willing to continue to give more, while he just took and he didn't or wouldn't consider my feelings. To be honest, I was starting to understand what his exwife went through. The breakup did give him an opportunity to evaluate his life and his priorities and we just reconcile 2 weeks ago.

I wish you peace and happiness in whatever decision you make.

oldone's picture

So he turns his phone off when he is out with others but not with you? That is odd.

nothinforya's picture

My DH and I miss each other when we are apart. We long for each other. We purposely turn off our phones when we have time alone. Your SO is showing you what kind of relationship he wants. Believe him.

follow_me's picture

Honestly, If I were you I wouldn't let those things happen again. I understand on what you feel to your SO but look what he did. I think this would be the right time for you to love your self before him. - Michael Courouleau