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It just never ends....

Losingit321's picture

So I figured I would share- maybe relatable to some people.  SD 15 posted a picture w/ her and her dad on FB (we do not have it- SD told me) anyhoo- the BM who is NOOOO Miss America and doesn't even see her kid - felt the need to wrong "your dad looks so old" then someone said something to her and she proceeds to write "he's all wrinkly and little." 

This is coming from a 250 lbs woman that does not work and wears PJ's everyday.  God. Bless. America.


Trudie's picture

...that is really gross behavior! How does she think that makes her daughter feel? She is part of her dad. No...just no!

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Any time i see someone acting like that or airing their dirty laundry on social media, it makes me think less of the poster, not the postee. Best to leave it unaddressed and anyone with class will read it and judge for themselves. 

Rags's picture

Time to smack her around with her own game.  On FB.  Say just what you wrote in direct response to her comments on the pic of SD and your DH.

"This is coming from a 250 lbs woman that does not work and wears PJ's everyday."


IMHO what prevents this kind of crap is keeping the SKids fully abreast of the facts of their situation in an age appropriate manner. They need knowledge on everything. Divorce decree, Custody/Visitation/Support orders, parents arrest records, knowledge on drug use, parental successes, parental faiures, etc... Particularly when a kid is cursed with such a shallow and polluted toxic end of their gene pool.  Responding to BM's comments with the facts that she is a bovine breeder, useless, never self supporting, PJ clad, waste of skin, now would not be necessary if the SKid knew it all and was armed with the facts to be able to protect herself from her manipulative waste of skin toxic parent.

We landed on this model with my SS when the SpermClan would ply their lies, maniplations, and PAS crap when he was on SpermLand visitation.  He came home upset that they were telling him that he was spoiled, that his mom was forcing his three younger half sibs to starve because of CS, etc, etc, etc... So, facts. We started sitting him down for read throughs on the CO, read throughs on the supplemental county rules regarding visitation and support, read throughs on SpermLand State regulations, reviews of the Spermidiot's marriage and divorce records (Spermidiot on several occassions lied to SS that he had never been married), etc... As their toxicity grew, SS's exposure to the facts grew as he was growing  up.   In his pre-teens there was a transition where we would find him upon occassion in our study going through the files regarding the CO, etc...   We would let him do that before eventually sitting down and talking about what motivated his research.  He would invariably be upset that they had lied to him.  He grew increasingly confident to the point that when they would lie to h im or manipulate while he was on SpermClan visitation, he would call them out immediately to their faces on their bullshit.  That drove SpermGrandHag insane. She would call DW railing on her "Why does he know that????". Ummmm, because you are a lying nasty POS. That is why. Of course DW would not say that to the Hag, DW would assertively call her out, and then egg her on to continue her nasty crap. What they failed to recall is that we lived in a single party consent state for recording conversations and every call for 16+ years was recorded. Every answering machine  ranting message was saved.  On a number of occasions we played recordings of their nasty crap in court when they lied about not saying something, etc... The SpermLand courts hated that we had those and presented them in court. That recording conversations without the consent of the other party was legal in our State irked the idiot bottom 10%ers of the legal profession SPermLand judges to no end.


SS read the journals, listened to the recorded telephone calls from the SpermClan, listened to the official court recordings of hearings, read countless pages of information.  The more they manipulated, the more information SS sought. The more he knew, the more they doubled down on their crap


Aniki-Moderator's picture

BM is entitled to her opinion. Even when she's wrong. 

It's likely she's doing it for attention, be it an argument or just a comment defending your DH so she can disagree. The worst thing you can do to an attention wh0re is ignore. 

CLove's picture

Petty Bm Toxic Troll would tell her daughter SDnow25 Feral Forger that I look pregnant (I was 145 at the time to her 220) and have no eyebrows (they are blonde but THERE).

Hooey I say. Jealousy is her real outfit.

Rags's picture

Her earned moniker tells it all CLove. Toxic Troll.  You did not even have to mention her girth Vs your svelteness as I already had a mental visual of her troll-ness Vs your CLove-liness.

Karma has delivered for TT.


CLove's picture

I needed that boost today.

Reliving things takes a toll. Toxic Troll is no longer in my life as we are now empty nesters, but recalling all the drama and toxicity of the past 11 years is sometimes difficult. And anti-climactic.

Rags's picture

Resetting and recovering from long term Step drama takes some time.  Even in my Unicorn SParent experience where my SO and I effectively partnered in both life and raising a good man to viable adulthood, having to be constantly on edge to go for the throats of the SpermClan for 16+ years took some time to adjust to the absence of.

It took a solid couple of years, if not 3+, to fully decompress after we reached empty-nester status.  That was with a near total disappearance of them from our lives and from the life of my SKid.  We are 14years past the CO, and 10 years past SS-32 asking me to adopt him as an adult.  Their complete disappearance from our kid's life was about 8yrs ago.  The absence of blended family related tension is notable.  Thinking about it still torques my jaw, but... those thoughts arise only when I am recalling history rather than living any toxicity.

Give yourself time.  You are fresh past the toxic baggage your SO infested your life with.  While it is no longer regularly in your home, it is still looming.  TT, FF, and PPS-LMNOP are never likely to be totally gone. They are what and who they are, as is your SO.

You won.  Keep winning.  Recognize your beauty, your superiority, and keep living your best life.  If SO does not get on board, then he will be subject to the demonstration of your revenge as will the Harpy Squad he helped create.

Give rose

Kiss 3


Harry's picture

The 250 is nock working woman in PJ all day. At one time she was the love of his life.  

Lillywy00's picture

95% of these men will sleep with (and procreate with) anything

This is the male attraction checklist 

  1. Are they conscious?  (Although some really nasty men don't care about this)
  2. Do they have an orifice?
  3. Are they human? (Although some really nasty men don't care about this)
  4. Do they have any bad smells?
  5. Are they of age?  (Although some really nasty men don't care about this)


Pass all 5 of these questions and you can have a night with 95% of the men out here

Rags's picture

Or a pole and a heartbeat as the case may be.

For many anyway.

For sure that was the case for the Geriatric Fortune 500 executive Sugar/Baby daddy my XW was knocked up by just before she informed me she was playing the D-Card.  He was not the last who made that decision.  She had two OOWL spawn by Grandpa Sugar/Baby daddy. He married her after their second was born.  Her third was another OOWL cheat baby like her first. She got knocked up by a cheat partner she was banging while married to Grandpa.  I grin at the karma that asshole has lived. I escaped without sullying my gene pool with her, he... dove in with gusto and cursed his kids to be the spawn of that nasty whore.

My X was beautiful and intelligent but completely morally bankrupt, bankrupt of character, bankrupt of honor, as is her family.  Her children are products of adultery, at least the oldest and youngest are.  The middle one was spawned ostensibly by Grandpa Sugar/Baby daddy though with her history of adultery who knows.

I give myself a self pardon due to youthful naivete and being in luuuuuuv.  I certainly did give it far longer than I should have. 

During the divorce she proposed that we be lovers after the divorce.  I wouldn't touch her with someone else's parts.  Our entire 2.5yr marriage we had sex less than 10 times.  She on the other hand was riding every swinging Johnson within reach not only during the 2.5yrs from wedding to divorce hearing but also for the year we dated and were engaged.

What is truly sad is that so many on both sides of these types of marriages miss the amazing intimacy and powerful passion that results from full, all in, partnership.  Don't get me wrong. The early tingly bits high emotion of a new relationship are great. Sadly, too many create kids on that shallow connection.

As intense as early passion may be, its pales in comparison to the intense intimacy of two quality people making an amazing life together.

I wish this for everyone who is in a blended marriage. Any marriage for that matter.


Losingit321's picture

She sure was!

grannyd's picture

My dear Clove,

I am five feet, six inches tall, weigh 143 pounds and wear a size 8. I'm pushing eighty (next month) and wear my Calvin Klein jeans quite well; my DH has no complaints. I'll bet the farm that your figure matches your lovely personality so 220-pound TT can go pound sand (if she's capable of getting down on her ample knees)! 

Clearly, ‘No Miss America’ (clad in her plus-sized PJs) is simply bloody jealous of Losingit’s better looks and is attacking her, indirectly, with that puerile FB post. These women who are, emotionally, still in middle school are pitiable. 

Hey, Losingit, how about sending ‘No Miss America’ a season’s worth of ‘My 600-lb life?