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Delusional DH

JRI's picture

My DH86 is so delusional about SD62.  He believes everything she says.  For background, she is on disability and we subsidize her housing expense.  I agreed to a certain amount to get her out of here 7 years ago when DH and I separated finances but not one penny more. He has monthly "allowance".

She doesn't manage money well so when she's short, she calls with a sad story and the White Knight runs $ right over.  It's disgusting to watch but it's his money and not coming out of the household $.

I predicted to myself that the calls would ramp up in the 6 weeks from late August to early October cuz she has 5 family birthdays, 3 of her gkids and 2 of her kids.  Sure enough, he's been hearing about "co-pays" for critical Dr appts, gas money so she can xyz (very important) and life-saving prescriptions running out.  It's been every week lately.  He's hard of hearing and has his phone on speaker so I hear the convo.

For your entertainment, this is how it went today.  (Her son's bday is in 2 days).  DH: hi, what's up?  SD: (very weak voice) hi, Dad.  I have such a bad headache. (explains severity).  DH: can you call the doctor?  SD: (evasive answer).  I need to get my script refilled but I don't have money til tomorrow. (DH tries to get specifics but no luck;  starts discussing amount required).  SD starts sounding stronger.  DH: you're sounding better already.  They agree on amount and he takes off.

I'm not looking for advice, just venting.  I know it won't end til he dies.



Lillywy00's picture

Oh my goodness! Yours is delusional too? 


If she's on disability then she needs to get some government resources or whatever.

Offer to look over her health coverage and see what medications are covered, some plans offer transportation to appointments at no additional cost, medications can be delivered at no cost, etc. 

She sounds like she's juicing the elderly for $$$$ but she should make her signature Baloney sandwiches then go find some unsuspecting single elderly man to finesse  not your DH. He should tell her "look I'm giving you $1000/month or whatever which is more than enough and do not dare ask for more. Make it enough!!!"

If I were your DH I would not give her one penny but I would point her to her health insurance plan and government resources.

At this point she's the tax payers responsibility not yours or your husbands. 

JRI's picture

This would be a good idea if she were a normal person.  But she's so sneaky and secretive that I don't believe anything she says and disengage as much as possible.  I have a feeling she has NO copays on Medicaid but maybe I'm wrong.  And I have a feeling all her prescriptions are free but I could be wrong there, too.  It's all just a scam to get $ from DH and with her creative mind, she'd think up other excuses.

Lillywy00's picture

I was just about to say since she's over 65 (and sounds poverty minded) she's probably on Medicare + Medicaid and they Medicaid pick up the tab for just about everything health related Medicare won't cover so .....  its a HIGH probability she's lying about needing money for those things. 

AlmostGone834's picture

I have a feeling you are 100% right on both. If she's low enough income, she won't have any copays or medication costs. 

ndc's picture

I was on Medicaid when I was pregnant a few years ago,  and DD and the skids were also on our state's CHIP program for a couple years.  There were NO co-pays, no deductibles, no prescription costs.  If she's on Medicaid (as opposed to Medicare, about which I know nothing), she's full of it.

Lillywy00's picture

Probably won't end at death. He might have some life insurance to financially support her posthumously 

Just make sure your cut is at least double/triple/quadruple what hers is

CLove's picture

At the least she could have offered to put your names on the cards.

AlmostGone834's picture

Yep yep yep.... the sneakiness. I see you and commiserate with you. Little Idiot is exactly the same way. You'll never get the truth about what the money is really needed for unless you dig deeper yourself.

Need money for nails, a outing, a stupid mistake she made? Oh no can't go to DH with THAT story... he might say no.... need a better story....a sob story... a story about why the money is a NECESSITY (and definitely not due to any fault of her own).

Then add in some crocodile tears and guilt tripping for good measure.

Of course DHs never want to ask questions or do any real deep digging so they just open up their wallets. We are just supposed to blindly accept their lies because they want to believe them..,well no I am suspicious. Sorry if I don't have the faith like you do, DH.

Its infuriating, I get it. Little Idiot was the queen of lying to make things look like they were out of her control and she was a victim of circumstance and we needed to help her. But, every time I looked deeper, I found out that there was always more to her story. 

JRI's picture

They must be twins!  The sad part is, I dont think he even minds it.  He grumbles sometimes but when I say anything, he immediately gets defensive about her.  I've been sitting here all morning thinking, should I say, "The calls will drop off now that the birthdays are over but will ramp up again before Christmas". But if I did, he'd defend her as "loving mothrr and grandmother".  Ok, I undrrstand except that her own kids distance themselves from her (unless oldest daughter needs something) and youngest daughter won't let her be at her house or alone with her kids.

Bottom line is he gets something out of it: a story line to believe in (sickly needy SD vs scheming liar) and himself as savior.

AlmostGone834's picture

Yup he needs something to believe in. My DH is the same way. Can't ever admit that she is ... sneaky, a liar, a spendthrift, lazy etc.... nope. We need a better story and even if that story has a million holes in it, we're gonna stick our heads firmly in the sand a defend it to the bitter end.

Why? Well in my husbands case I think he sees his daughter as an extension of himself. If she is all these terrible things then it reflects badly on him and he can't accept that. Like she's his daughter do she MUST be like him... moral, hardworking,  intelligent etc.... simply because they share some genes and because he taught her. 

I haven't been able to get it through his head that yes you told her how to live a good life and yes she has SOME of your traits ... but she's her own person not a clone of you. You have had some effect on her but at the end of the day, she's made up of so much more than the parts you gave her. (I didn't add that he probably did her no favors by never holding her accountable. Maybe instead of insisting she was perfect her whole life he should have worked on correcting the parts she struggled with and maybe she wouldn't be failing college and spending herself into debt).

Lillywy00's picture

Since when do these Disneyland parents (with delusions of grandeur) ever hold their "innocent perfect angels" accountable as they should?

JRI's picture

Yes, my DH sees her as an extension of himself.  She's his oldest and looks like him plus only daughter.  I and the other 4 kids have all tried over the years to open his eyes, no luck.  The most he will say is "there have always been sick/crazy people.  The hospitals are full of them".

Lillywy00's picture

What he gets out of deluding himself/pretending he's not being fleeced by his grown daughter? 

Fuel to his ego -> white knight comes to the rescue -> masculinity restored! 

Rags's picture

No! works.

First, in my world, marital income is marital income regardless of which spouse earns it. There is no his and hers money.  It is all "ours" money.  Not particularly complicated in our marriage since we married with just about nothing but two apartments worth of college furniture, two 8yo cars, and my freshly conferred Engineering degree.  In the 29yrs we have been married we have built what we have together. So, it is all... ours.

2. Never give money directly to the beggar.  "I am sorry to hear that. What is the Doctor's/Pharmacy's/Power/Water companies name and number? I will call them to confirm the bill/shut off notice and pay them with a credit card so you can get well/take a shower......"

If you are going to help, help only by paying for services that are already rendered where the money cannot be refunded to the beggar.

Lather.... rinse.... repeat.

No cash, no way to turn the payment into cash.  

DW's very close cousin was one of these.  It started with "I can't pay our bills. Please help. I'll pay you back."  We talked about it, and sent her $2K."  She asked for $5K.  She sent the first $200 payback installment (no interest charged). The day the check came in the mail, she called and begged that we not deposit it.  Never got a penny out of her.

Afew years later, she called and was leaving her "abusive" DH and needed money for the deposit on an apartment for her and their two boys.  After the first weepy money extortion event we paid her deposit for the apartment to the complex directly.  She backed out of the apartment, the complex gave her our money in cash, and a couple of days later she was at the beach for a girls trip with her besties.  Our learning point there was, we should have demanded a signed copy of a lease before we paid the deposit. That way even if she broke the lease, she would not get cash from the complex.

I was fit to be tied. DW was angry, hurt, and far more forgiving that I was.  That put a bit of a strain on our relationship for a while.  I wrote the Unicorn Cousin off as the POS she had demonstrated herself to be. DW was wrapped around the axle about how Unicorn Cousin was her childhood person, how close they were, etc...

Sadly, I was right. DW was wrong. After those two events Unicorn Cousin made zero effort to see or spend time with DW. At most, she would meet DW for an hour lunch, only on work days, if DW was in the area visiting my IL clan.  Beyond that, zero effort.

The final episode, cousin decided she wanted to become a CPA. She had been managing a significant medical practice and having her CPA certification would significantly increase her income.  She wanted DW to co-sign her school loans for the Grad school level classes she needed to qualify to sit for the exam.  Nope.

6-ish years later the cousin passed away from several different types of fairly rare cancer. That destroyed my DW.  They were extremely close as children and teens.  Unicorn Cousin had a number of extremely close friends that worshipped her. They all swarmed around Uncorn Cousin for how kind, loving, caring, wonderful she was.  She made all kinds of time for them. And made at best only token minimalist effort with my DW.  Unicorn Cousin's public face was a complete facade.  Her minions guzzled the KoolAid, her boys saw only the Saintly mommy that she let them see. Her work and coworkers saw the caring dedicated though underpaid and abused worker.  It was all about the sympathy and facade with Unicorn Cousin.  She went to all lengths to maitain the facade.  She worked harder at the delusional illusion than she did at solving her problems.

I know the truth. Sadly, so does DW.  She was at best Unicorn shit.  All sparkly and warm. But... even sparkly shit is .... shit.

When DW is diving into how amazing Unicorn Cousin was I listen patiently, comfort her, and quietly drop in an "I am so sorry dear. I know she was important to you. I'm just sorry she was a crook and so disappointing for you."

I cannot allow myself to let the reality of Unicorn Cousin be whitewashed with Unicorn glitter.  The stench is reality. The glitter, is a facade.


JRI's picture

It's so tough when our dear spouses have a person in their lives that they unconditionally love who is untrustworthy and dishonest.  You're doing the right thing to acknowledge your DW's feelings.

ESMOD's picture

I had a coworker once who had one of those endless well of need children.  He was also unfortunately married to a woman who had some mental issues.. and even after he finally divorced her.. he was still her servant in many ways.

The girl did have a substance addiction I'm fairly certain.. she married a like minded loser.. they had a child that died.. I'm completely surprised that no one ever pinned the death of the infant on her parent's condition honestly.  But this guy had supported her through her 10+ year attempt to get a teaching degree.. but she kept faltering and needing more and more.

The multiple calls a week would be manufactured reasons why she needed money.. When he would try to grow a backbone.. he would get repeat calls from the EX who would harass him till he gave in.  Western Union actually shut his ability to transfer money because he exceeded their limit to a single person!

She would call about her "sick rat" and the meds it would need etc.. she would provide reciepts.. but I'm pretty sure she would just return stuff after.. it was sad.

JRI's picture

These grifters never stop.  That "sick rat" story is a new low.  I don't think even my SD would have the nerve to use that one.  Lol.

Merry's picture

He's just got to be the White Knight. It makes me sad to watch my DH chase his kids for their attention (which has been tiny crumbs lately) but at least they don't ask for money.

But when SS was milking DH for everything, i was able to maintain my sanity only by telling myself that the $50 (or whatever the con of the day was) was for DH's happiness. You are smart to have the allowance set up for your DH. 

JRI's picture

The "allowance" has worked well but we only came to that point after endless "emergencies".  When she and her ex2 split, she stayed in the house but had no income aside from the hair work she did in the basement.  The house was supposed to be sold and her half of all those funds were going to support her til a new Prince Charming arrived to rescue her.  

Things got delayed so DH was being hit up for heating bills ("They are going to turn off the heat, Dad!"), car payments, etc etc.  Supposedly, these were loans that would be repaid when the house was sold.  But, oops, during the closing process, a number of unpaid charges were discovered so if she got anything, it was minimal and for sure, DH got nothing.

So, then, she filed for disability and we heard she'd receive a big payment for the period from filing til it was ultimately approved.  By now, she had moved to an apartment but the emergencies continued.  DH began to put the "emergencies" on our charge (car repairs, traffic tickets, gifts).  These "loans" would be repaid when the big payday came.  But oops, when payoff time came, a number of unpaid taxes were discovered so, if she got anything, it was minimal and DH got nothing.

She moved in 8 years ago, a nightmare.  I realized we'd be paying x amount to subsidize but it was worth it to get her out after a year.  DH agreed to his "no questions asked" allowance with the agreement that nothing else would be charged. It has worked for us.  If he chooses to direct his $ to her rather than fun things we do together, like the casino, that's his choice.

Rags's picture

participating in the fun things you do.  No money to cover his share of the fun things you "do together", no fun for him.


This is why I am so against any support for kidults and zero support for minor children beyond CS.  A call from an X for money, gets ignored at best and at worsk they are ridiculed, and their ass is bared.  The same applies for kidults who think that daddy is an ATM to cover their shit adult decisions.

Any money that goes to anyone in the failed former family comes out of the coffers of the new relationship. Not one cent goes to THEM except if both parthers agree. The veto is absolute and cannot be overturned except if the veto-ing partner changes their mind.  Sneaking money to the failed family members behind the back of a partner, is a GTFO and you get nothing but a doorknob hitting you in the ass on your way out offense.



JRI's picture

When we go, he usually still has some $.  But if he runs out, he walks around, watches tv, sits on a bench or whatever while I keep playing.  His choice.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Meds are usually free for those on Medicaid, as are dr visits. She may be using the money DH gives her on gas and presents, but it's prob because she blew hers on cigs and lord knows what else. 

thinkthrice's picture

For no co pays on Medicaid.  It would be fun to casually mention to DH that you just saw a headline pop up that there were no copays for Medicaid... then blame it on cookies.


Catmom024's picture

He would either;

1.  Sit there staring blankly into middle space and not acknowledge what was said, or

2.  Say, "oh well that's a different plan, the one she's on has copays.  You're wrong. 

Ask me how I know...

Catmom024's picture

Princess Druggie is having kid #2 in a couple of months.   The five time federal felon is the daddy this time.   She hasn't been to our house and I haven't heard a word about her.  No idea if Guilty DADDDDY is in contact with her or not.  She's extremely enmeshed with her older all about how her child looks just like her and she loves the fact that her child idolizes her and wants to be just like her.  

When Baby #2 arrives we'll see what happens.   

JRI's picture

My experience was that one baby was very doable.  I used to tell younger people, if you can handle a dog, you can do one baby.  BUT, 2 babies is like one baby times 500.  Good luck, Princess Druggie.

Rags's picture

the hospital bills covered by charity.  THen... POOF... married. After there were no more spawning related medical bills.

My SS used to call him Uncle Mugger. They guy is huge, wore black jeans and a black hoody almost always covering his head and most of his face.  The first time SS met him, was when Uncle Mugger had wrecked his truck and DW, SS, and SIL had driven out on a rural farm road to pick him up.  They pulled over at his truck that was wrapped around a telephone pole. He was nowhere to be found. After a few minutes a black clad figure walked out of a corn field and it totally terrified my SS.  It took a very long time for SS to get over that.

He is actually a good guy but still has an air of sleeze that he picks up from his wife. My crook POS SIL.


Rags's picture

the hospital bills covered by charity.  THen... POOF... married. After there were no more spawning related medical bills.  Of course SIL is all about having not been a single TEEN mom. That she squeezed out two OOWL in her early 20s is some kind of superiority thing for her.  When I get to the end of my tolerance for that self delusional drivel when we are visiting my IL clan, I shut it down which goes over like a fart in Church.  "Well SIL, what is worse, a 16yo single teen mom who goes on to be a graduated degreed successful professional, or a woman in her 20's who should know better. Particularly when their big sister is the former single teen mom who went on a a great life?  Hmmmmmm?"  

When SIL goes into her superior "not a TEEN mom thing" my DW starts patting me on the leg under the table when she sees I have gotten to the end of my rope with SIL's attempts to embarrass my wife. So... I slit SIL's proverbial throad. No warning. I just do it.  Things get very quiet for a bit then SIL usually leaves, and everyone else enjoys themselves.

My SS used to call him Uncle Mugger. They guy is huge, wore black jeans and a black hoody almost always covering his head and most of his face.  The first time SS met him, was when Uncle Mugger had wrecked his truck and DW, SS, and SIL had driven out on a rural farm road to pick him up.  DW and SS were in Spermland visiting the IL clan.  They pulled over at his truck that was wrapped around a telephone pole. He was nowhere to be found. After a few minutes a black clad figure walked out of a corn field and it totally terrified my SS.  It took a very long time for SS to get over that.

He is actually a good guy but still has an air of sleeze that he picks up from his wife. My crook POS SIL who harps on "I'm spe-cial" in a singsongy toddler voice.




Catmom024's picture

It's so bizarre how otherwise very intelligent men can believe such obvious lies.  

You're right, it never ends.   I laugh when I see people posting that they can't wait until their stepkid turns 18.  

JRI's picture

Us poor Stepparents, people counting the days.  I kind of undrrstand the end of court-ordered child support but the rest doesn't end.