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SS wants kids, but just bought a house with GF42 who hates kids

Ohsoconfused's picture

First of all, this technically is none of my business, but it astonishes me that SS35 keeps saying how he's looking forward to having kids someday...and then co-purchases a house (with big mortgage) with his GF who is a hugh maintainance 42yr old gym bunny who tells anyone who will listen that she's never having kids. These two are established binge drinkers/ alcoholics, and I believe this is a factor in their poor communication.  I honestly dont think they could handle a child properly, because they get fall down drunk at least once a week, and have public screaming matches.  Ive been called more than once to come and drive them home, because they give my name to the cops who break up their altercations.  Just a shitshow in a small community.

Is it possible that SS simply doesnt realise that a woman's ability to procreate rapidly diminishes after 40?  Is she just pissing him about?  Even SS's brother and sister are perplexed and keep asking us if we'll "speak to SS about it".  I say hell no, none of our concern, and DH wouldnt even know how to start the conversation.  I hope she's on the Pill.  


JRI's picture

My guess is he just wants to leave the impression of an upstanding family man.  His actions say something else.  Yes, you're right, stay out of it.

Rags's picture


Not your problem. Quit giving it space in you head. These are kidults. Drunkard, marginal adults for sure. But... adults none the less.

Kona_California's picture

A 35 year old man wanting kids. Does he not realize the options he has?! I just left my SO who has a young son, expected me to raise him but didn't want kids with me. Here I am thinking men like your SS don't exist. 

ndc's picture

I suspect he doesn't really want kids. Certainly his actions say he doesn't. Probably for the best - neither of them sound like good parent material.  You're right to stay out of it.

Ohsoconfused's picture

I guess the only reason I give it headspace is that should they by some error actually conceive then DH could have a grandchild at risk which would become part of our lives.  I have pretty much disengaged with them except for mandatory social occasions but i dont ask them over any more.  Not after the drunken public spectacles.