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Starting to realize...

SloaneMichael's picture

That I stepped into a steaming pile of something with this marriage. In our living room, there is a big picture of the ex displayed prominently. I asked that it be removed or moved to the Skids room. Mind you, there are no pictures of me in the house. DH refused to take it down or move it because the co-parenting quack said it should be up and displayed prominently in our home. What kind of quackery?!


SloaneMichael's picture

It's a photo with her and skids, but all the more reason why it should be in their room.

Momof6WI's picture

How confusing is that for kids?!?! "Your parents are not together but we're going to keep up family photos like nothing ever happened. ". Yeah, no. If they want it in their room that's one thing but on display in YOUR home? That would creep me out beyond belief lol. 

SloaneMichael's picture

I was like, I'm no psychologist but this seems like terrible advice! Who is this dude?! Just 5 minutes ago I looked the therapist up and he has horrible reviews (1 or 2 stars on all) on just about every site that will take reviews (Health Grades, Yelp, Google, etc.), NO positive experiences. He actually is a quack (not that that helps my situation, but Im comforted that others know this guy's a total idiot).

Momof6WI's picture

There's reasonable and unreasonable......I feel like this falls under the latter lol. 

SloaneMichael's picture

But it will just be replaced with another because Dr. Quack says it's absolutely necessary for the well-being of the children.

justmakingthebest's picture

What does Dr. Quack say about daddy getting another divorce because proper boundaries were never established? How good is that going to be for the kids? 

I have NEVER heard of a therapist suggesting the the ex spouse be displayed in pictures in your home. Time for a new therapist for you and have DH attend to hear how insane that idea is!

JRI's picture

I wouldnt be able to stomach that.

Dovina's picture

Dr Quack must be an entitled SD/SS.

I also agree that pic should be in the skids room. I dont know how you can stand it. Here is an idea put a photo up of an ex, or better yet a model pic of some muscular  cowboy and impose your photo in the frame  ;)    "oh honey my therapist told me to put it up so I can deal with my past scars of losing him"

Like seriously, Dr Quack has got to go.

justmakingthebest's picture

YASSSSS- a Shirtless Jason Momoa. DH, my therapist said that I should keep this picture up so that I know what a real man looks like that doesn't have his balls in his exwife's purse.  

Dovina's picture


Exjuliemccoy's picture

I like this suggestion sooo much. Only when this guilty dad feels uncomfortable or unhappy will things change. Time to dredge up a hot bf from your past and display pictures of him and you both aallll over the house. It will provide you with a little evil satisfaction while you put your exit strategy together.

advice.only2's picture

Put it on prominent display on the bedroom wall across from the bed, so every time you two are in there together he knows what you are looking at and it's not him.

StrawberryPie's picture

Oh hell yes.  I would be petty like this if that nonsense were going on here!

Merry's picture

When DH and I moved into our house, he stuck a picture of BM and the skids on the fridge. (Skid was 19 or 20, but maybe 10 in the photo.) Funny, the fridge was right next to the trash.

No, DH, I don't know where the photo is. Maybe skid took it to his room?

And that was that.

Picardy III's picture

That's insane. There's not a single photo of BM anywhere in our house. I could see if the kids wanted photos in their rooms, but hell no to a prominent place in the common living area.

Why do you have no wedding photos, or other photos, displayed of you and your H?

thiscantbenormal's picture

I totally agree. An equally sized pic of an ex or some random hottie with the excuse of this person is important to me and makes me feel comfortable in my home to be able to see him.  Bonus points if you are in the picture too even if it requires shoddy photoshopping.

This absolutely would not fly with me.  

CLove's picture

One of you has to go...yes, this would be a "hill to die on" for me.

When I found wedding photos in a bag, along with baby photos, I put those in a new bag, and sent them straight over to BM's apartment with the kid. And that was that.

Thats something that is part of the kids legacy, but it doesnt need to be in MY home.

So - question OP. Who rules your household?

tog redux's picture

I'm okay with wedding and prior family photos, DH has some - but not on the dang wall. And most certainly not one that DH isn't even in!!

SloaneMichael's picture

When I first got married I would've answered, "me"! Now it is clear that the kids run our house and DH uses them as a proxy to make whatever decisions he wants to make.

sleepymeg's picture

a pic of dad in her living room? If not, how do the kids cope when they're there?

Please tell me you're not paying actual money for this kind of useless advice. If you are, please go see someone else.

If it were me, that pic would've ended up in the trash the first time I was home alone with it.

SloaneMichael's picture

Well, I have a lot of problems with Dr. Quack, but the biggest one is that he makes decisions impacting me and my household, but I am not in the sessions! So he just makes rules, and I'm supposed to abide by them. He also gave my husband a printout of "rules for stepparents" to give me. 

SeeYouNever's picture

You're going to have to share these so we know exactly what you are up against. 

The fact that they sent home these rules for you when you aren't even involved in the sessions just goes to show that this Dr Quack has no concept of boundaries.

SloaneMichael's picture

Here are the rules. There are more, but they are generally elaborations on these.

1. Your role is as a distant observer of the kids, like a "cool aunt"

2. Your role is to support the bio parent (which I get, but where does the bio parent's support of me come into play?)

3. Find a role that complements the absent parent

4. Do not discipline the skids for 1-2 years at least

5. Get your spouse's blessing of your role as stepmom

SloaneMichael's picture

Is that everyone else decides how I am to function in the family unit but me. Quote from introduction to the rules: "Children and biological parents adjust best when they are involved in the shaping of this role."

MissK03's picture

5. Get your spouses blessing as your role as stepmom. 


Granted we aren't married but, if I said to SO "do I have your blessing as stepmom to skids?" He would probably laugh and say WTFFF are you talking about haha. 


SloaneMichael's picture

Are for the sake of everyone else's happiness and adjustment but the actual stepparent. And Dr. Quack doesn't ever deal with the stepparents so he never actually deals with the fallout of his poor advice.  He can continue being an "expert" in a vacuum.

SloaneMichael's picture

Everyone but me.

Picardy III's picture

So they are all in counseling together as a cohesive family unit, and you are the concubine/servant/live-in relative.

OP, this is not a marriage.

SeeYouNever's picture

I think you and your husband should get your own therapist for your issues AS A COUPLE. 

Who wants to bet the advice will be totally different?

Picardy III's picture

1), 2), 4) aren't bad suggestions, 3) could be easily twisted, and 5) is WTF - are you asking your DH for his child's hand in marriage?!

In none of this is your role as wife and adult leader of the household considered.

SloaneMichael's picture

It might as well say, "sit in the corner and await further instruction."

Cover1W's picture

1. Your role is as a distant observer of the kids, like a "cool aunt"

A "cool aunt" is NOT a distant observer. A cool aunt is INVOLVED and does things with the kids, but also has the ability to be an authority figure if needed - like if I take my niece to the bowling alley, she's under MY care.

2. Your role is to support the bio parent (which I get, but where does the bio parent's support of me come into play?)

Ok, the role is you BOTH support EACH OTHER not a one way street. You don't automatically say "yes dear" to your husband's decisions.  Hay-sus!

3. Find a role that complements the absent parent

What does this mean?  Act like BM but don't act like BM (per the above)?  Or do BMs bidding along with your husband's? 

4. Do not discipline the skids for 1-2 years at least

Uh, if you are an aunt, removed as a distant observer then how are you EVER going to discipline?  And if you are required by BM and DH to look after the kids?  Is there any loophole for you?  No?  I didn't think so.  Plus, if you are not introduced into the relationship as an adult then you'll NEVER be able to discipline.  What does this quack mean as "discipline" anyway?  Is this even defined?

5. Get your spouse's blessing of your role as stepmom

Nope, with all the above rules you'll never have any blessing at all to be anything in the family whatsoever.

still learning's picture

The reason a Cool Aunt is so Cool is that she doesn't have to cook for, clean up after, help with homework, or have any real responsibility for the little terrors.  After a fun afternoon with her neices and nephews the cool aunt is off to party with her hip friends and so grateful she never had kids of her own!  In order for this to even be a remote possibility for SM, DH would have to take 100% percent responsibilty for the care and tending of his children. No stress for cool aunt, aka SM, right? Ha! Generally the reason these men remarry is so they have that built in nanny/cook/replacement parent.  OP, you really need your own personal therapist.  

tog redux's picture

I agree with 1 and 2, but not 3, 4, or 5.  I don't think stepparents should ever discipline, nor should they "complement the "absent" parent" or need anyone's blessing.

Where does "put a picture of BM's ugly mug on your wall" come into play here?

justmakingthebest's picture

OH WOW! Rules for step parents??? You will have to show us. This is insane! 

Cover1W's picture

OMG - I would FLIP and insist on attending the next session IF I thought there was hope of saving the marriage.  Good Lord!


SloaneMichael's picture

And my husband said BM does have a pic of him and the kids displayed prominently at her house. I call BS. 

Kes's picture

Thanks for causing me to laugh out loud and having to explain what I was laughing at to DH.  He said we should have a large photo of NPD BM above our fireplace ( spurts hot tea down nose)

shellpell's picture

When DH and I started dating, he had a couple of pics of BM and SS on the fridge. As we got more serious, he took them down without my having to say a word. Smart DH. Cared about me and my feelings.

Marzoe666's picture

No way in hell... when my SO and I fiarte got together 9 years ago, I went out and when I came back home the BM was eating dinner with him and the SKids, I lost my mind but didn't make a scene.  I made it very clear that I would never ever ever approve or tolerate or accept that and she never stepped a foot in my home again. Pictures of my SO and ex wife have circulated but I shut that $&@? down quick!! One Halloween he carved her a pumpkin and obviously he never made that mistake again.  It's specially hard when the SKids control the father, ugh!! Can't stand mine....anyway. Take that picture down woman and F Dr. Quack!

simifan's picture

Sweetie, there are too many red flags here to even count. This man is entirely enmeshed with his ex. They are married and living separately. You are just the sex toy. You can do so much better. 

Harry's picture

I would not stand for that.  Either the picture or me.  Let him pick.   It shows you no respect, in this marriage.  Actually it's disrespectful to you,  

ITB2012's picture

While carrying a big pot of spaghetti sauce and accidentally splash the picture?

What about a wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling poster of you?

hereiam's picture

What the...?

I dare my husband to tell me I have to have a picture of BM on display in my home. Not that that would happen, he wouldn't want to look at her, either.

Your husband really does need a frying pan upside his head.

Lifer33's picture

The quacks an embittered psycho bm herself, probs 

SloaneMichael's picture

All of the 1 and 2 star reviews I read about him state that he panders to whoever the paying client is, and prepares his report and recommendations based on that. So, since the stepparent isn't paying the fee, he/she gets the shaft.

SloaneMichael's picture

All of the 1 and 2 star reviews I read about him state that he panders to whoever the paying client is, and prepares his report and recommendations based on that. So, since the stepparent isn't paying the fee, he/she gets the shaft.