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Very quick update

just.his.wife's picture

DH had his first "family counceling session" with SD17 yesterday. Where she apparently latched onto him in a hug and refused to let go for the first five minutes of the session (held at DJJ).

The short of it: she spent 45 minutes of the 50 minute session bitching about me.

The last five minutes was DH explaining to her:

And this is why you can not return to my house. You have been told not to be disrespectful and to respect my wife in my home, yet here you are disrespecting her again. Bad mouthing her to people and making them believe shes a bytch and has unrealistic expectations of you. There are three expectations of you within the house

1) Don't be an a$$hole.
2) Get good grades
3) Do a single chore a day to help with the responsibility of the household that supports you.

You have made concious decisions NOT to follow these rules and to flaunt them at every given opportunity. These rules are written in concrete and are non negotiable. In 31 days you are an adult you may go live on your own and make your own rules, as soon as you get out of the halfway house or foster home you are assigned to when you finish your time here.

Note: first rule is really "respect yourself and all others within the house" he adlibbed.

SD17 was taken back to her cell at the 50 minute mark. Apparently crying because her dadddddyyyy called her an a$$hole. Therapist shook his head and told DH he had been doing one on one sessions with her. That she had him convinced I was a completely self centered bitch and it was my way or the highway. That DH's balls were in my purse. DH gave him a brief rundown of the last few months, told him about reading the book step monster and how he can now see where he had been going about things all wrong. That the other three kids are doing fine (and they are) but she refuses to follow rules and got violent with a sibling and was not welcome to live in the home. Visits for sibling bday parties for an hour or two, fine. Nothing more than 120 minutes and she could expect that he would be by my side ensuring she did not give me any problems.

Positive note: therapist agrees with how DH is doing things and said there comes a time in relationships where you have to redefine them. She is used to running the show, or at leaste thinking she runs the show, it will take time but eventually he can see her becoming less of an a$$hole. Therapist is also ordering the book Step Monster to read himself as it appears 95% of the kids he deals with, come from 'blended' families!

Younger three teens are doing very well. If it continues by sat they will each get one electronic device back... I am betting the boys choose video game systems and ysd picks the phone!


hereiam's picture

Yes, they seem to confuse love & respect with "pussy whipped".

My SD21 could not understand why her dad did laundry or cooked, that was MY job (and obviously, I was making him do it).
Now, she's married with two kids and her husband does nothing but play video games. She now tells her dad, "Lazy-ass never helps me around the house or with the kids. I wish I had a relationship like you and hereiam."

Yeah, I bet you do! It's called RESPECT. Had you had some for yourself, perhaps you wouldn't be with someone who has none for you.'s picture

Ha!!!!! Can't wait for SD's to live on their own and come to this conclusion, Their so dumb and selfish they probley never will!!!!

mom2boys's picture

really happy that your DH is stepping up and the therapist isnt all kid.. my kids therapists gives her reasons for her behavior that its "ok" to piss on everything in the house cause she is "sad" her drug addict mother dont show up for visitations and allowed to treat me like shit cause of that.... umm... children have to learn to be accountable for their actions!!

just.his.wife's picture


Exlax, Miralax, Milk of Mag. Try one. Please!

Holy krimeny woman that only thing I ever see out of you is negativity and harassment towards every individual who has the ... pleasure... of having you respond to one of their posts.

The man said he was going to order a copy of the book and read it. Why? Likely because one of the families he is treating has read it and the father is applying some of what he found in the book to his household life. The man is educating himself on a different point of view. God help us all, a therapist that will actually read something and think about an alternate theory aside from "poor picked on (s)kid."

Do me a favor HRNYC, skip my posts. I do not have room in my life for more negativity. Do not respond to them at all, ever. Thank you.

arjuna79's picture

^^^^applauds^^^^ thank you JHW, so sorry you had a dose of this in the middle of all that. But thanks for naming it for so many of us! And keep on keeping on, and awesome stepping up from your dh.

windee's picture

HRNYC sounds like a BM...not a stepmother. I am a BM and a stepmother, I never said or acted disrespectful to the other women that were taking care of my child, but they also took good care of my son. Sorry you had her respond to your post!

bi's picture

nobody has to have a degree to understand what is acceptable behavior and what is not. dr martin has it all nailed. i have never heard anyone who had read that book say one bad thing about it. because she is RIGHT. experience means a whole lot more than a degree. you are seriously the most bitter bm on earth. why do you come here? do you enjoy getting yourself all twisted up over what we say about our atrocious skids? apparently you are miserable and you think you can spread that to us by being nasty. maybe you haven't realized it yet, but you are powerless to control how we think. perhaps you would be better off PARENTING your kids if you don't like how their sm feels about them. acting the way you do just gives that much more credit to the negative opinions of bm's.

LizzieA's picture

If that is an example of the therapy they get in Juvie, no wonder there is no rehabilitation!
First, even if you were a b, did YOU cause SD to throw the shoe and injure her sister?
Why did the therapist allow SD to spend most of the session bashing YOU? What about discussing her behavior and attitudes?

Anon2009's picture

I'm glad this therapist was/is smart enough to get to the core of SD's issues by addressing the big, white elephants in the room. Hopefully he can start teaching her healthy coping strategies of dealing with stress, how to properly address her issues with others, and how to treat all people with courtesy and respect, regardless of whether she likes them or not. Hopefully there will be more sessions in store for her like this. However, hopefully the next time she starts in on bashing you, he will say, "SD, you have 5 minutes to say what you're going to say. Then we're going to work on some coping strategies on how to help you become happier and better handle your anger so situations like this don't arise for you again." And then he should follow through and have her take a good look at herself and where she could have handled things better.