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O/T 35 and TTC

invidia's picture

In March of this year my DH and I decided that as we were finally where we wanted to be financially and relationship wise (custody cases etc) that we should stop using BC and are TTC.

As I am 35 years old my doctor said that if we are not successful after 6 months that we should seek assistance. I know it is early days yet but I am curious if there are other over 35 SM's or BM's out there that are TTC or if you did conceive over 35 how long did it take?

Thank you Smile


Still Have Hope's picture

DS was conceived when I was 36 and had been off birth control for 3 months. Good luck and enjopy the process Wink

NCMilGal's picture

My sister is currently pregnant - she will be 36 in July. They weren't trying too long; less than a year, and this is her second pregnancy. She had a miscarriage last fall. Stats now say that up to 25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage; it's just that we're detecting them a LOT earlier so they're counting as a MC rather than a late period.

I'm 37, and no kids. I'm actually having some jealousy/insecurity issues about my sister, but I made my choices, made my bed, and now I have to lie in it.

youngstepmumtobe's picture

Sorry to be so random but is that your dog in your pic? He's sooo cute!!!

To OP - my mum was 38 when my youngest brother was conceived and didn't take her long from what they've said about wanting a baby and things.

Stepmom_Lori's picture

I had both my kids after the age of 35. I'm going to be 40 in a few months and I have a 7 month old and a 4yr old.

I did do IVF to conceive my son, but the main reason for that was that I had a few miscarriages prior and consulted a fertility doctor. Because of my age, which was 35 at the time, I was panicked thinking I'd waited too long. I conceived my DS on the first round of IVF.

My DD who was just born in Oct was a surprise baby. We weren't trying at all Smile

Get yourself a thermometer and start tracking your temps so you know when you're ovulating. Also, I suggest Preseed lubricant. You can order it online Wink

Can I do this's picture

I reently turned 37, went off BC and we are hoping to conceive this summer (I'm a teacher so a spring baby would be the best timing to take the last quarter of the year off and head into summer vacation that way!!! Of course, if it doesn't work out that way, I'll take it whenever it happens!!)

I had a miscarriage at 32 with my exDH ... we never really made much attempt to keep trying ... maybe I should have seen that sign a lot earlier where we were headed!! I'm soooooo scared to try again ... but my SO is excited ... he talks about it ALL THE TIME!!! He was not as involved with both of SD's when they were in utero ... didn't go to appointments, doesn't remember a lot about their baby years ... so I'm excited to hopefully be able to share all that with him.