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Last-Wife's picture

Loghead is quite angry with the boys tonight... When I asked him why, he pulled me in for a hug and said, "I don't know what they did to piss you off last night, because you wouldn't tell me. I figured it was bad, but low enough under the radar... so they are paying the price tonight."

my kitchen and bathrooms are spotless, and the Xbox is sitting on the kitchen counter, with a note that says "Shape up, or this goes to Goodwill. Dad"

He fussed on me for not telling him what they said and did last night. He didn't ask, and I had already let it go, so I didn't tell him. But he made me promise to always tell him things like that so he can continue to remind them how to properly behave and treat a woman. "ya gotta remember babe, they are teenage boys and they don't have brains. I may have to tell them every day, but one day they will remember..."

And miracle of miracles, Lazy Boye is wearing a shirt tonight...


Last-Wife's picture

Hey, Foxie! Sadly, one of the calves was sick, and the first cold snap did her in... I've learned that the plan is to fatten the other one up and get about $500-$600 for her in the spring...

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

You know what serves as an excellent reminder? A bedroom silent for lack of XBox. That's a GREAT reminder. Give your DH a big virtual smooch and tell him he's my hero today!

TheWickedStepmom's picture

3 cheers for... Loghead?... HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! LOL May this be the start of better things to come! Smile

caregiver1127's picture

I am so happy for you last wife - that is awesome - I love that he said how will they learn to treat a woman and you really need to tell him when these punks are bothering you - they need to see that he loves you and will protect you and how he treats you is how they will treat their girls - so I am happy this has a happy ending - but next time hit that 16 year old over the head and if he says anything immediately scream for Dh that will teach him I guarantee it!!

purpledaisies's picture

YAY!! that was the best thing I could have heard today! He did an awesome job! I think you should tell him and be honest like he asks. He is trying! Smile

iloveit's picture

I agree with JMC, this is inspiring! Good for you, that sets the tone for a great weekend too! He sounds wonderful...lucky you Wink