Feeling Beat Down
I am just feeling beat down, run down and torn up. I am so exhausted with trying. Things have never gone well with the step kids. Things are tense with me and DH. He wants an easy way out. I just want a happy family for my boys... with or with out him...On top of out relationship issues we are facing bankrupcy, maybe even forlcosure on our house and of course it is all my fault because I used credit cards to make up for our lack of income when we did not have enough to get by. I pick up the over time when I can. I feel DH does nothing to help us out of our finacnical jam...I admit it was a mistake to use the credit cards but I kept thinking we could manage, things would get better, one of us would eventually make more money...intead thihngs got worse, and I now make less. We can' keep up with morgage, his damn child support, insurance, utilities and gorceries, let alone medical bills and credit cards, so I used the credit cards for medical expenses, clothign that we needed, xmases past, bithdays past, gorceries, gas in our vehicles, and our utilities..now we have no credit left and a huge debt and my husband blames this all on me. All I was trying to do was to keep us afloat, to keep us suffering and only made matters worse...He will never understand this. I feel so hurt and broken over this because he makes it soudn like I just went nuts shopping for myself with the credit cards...lets see dear who put expenses for a hobby car on the credit card and a 1957 chevy for SD15 on the credit card...not me dear husbadn that was you..i used it to clothe, feed and keep us warm...ALL of us i godforsaken children too and our children...what else was i suppoesd to do, i would tell him we needed mor money and he would tell me to figure it out...
on top of all this work is stressful, we have head lice courtesy of SD15 and I am getting sick again because I am so run down it doesn;t take much for me to get sick...I was hoping to get off work but they can't find a replacement for me tonight so I will have to work sick...which I am used to but now I get to expose someone at work who is being released from teh hospital today after heart surgery to my germs...its like everything in my life is a mess right now an all i want to do is go in my room, shut the door and cry myself to sleep so my little boys dont see my tears of worry then wake up tomorrow and start a bradn new day focussing on what to do about DH and our problems...Right now he is more of a problem than whack job BM is...I don't want this family life filled with anger for my boys but I also do not want to share custody with him and leave our boys to fend for themselves under his lack of care and lack of supervision he calls being a DAD...I do not want their life like my step kids life, nor do I want my life to continue the way it is. I wish someone would knock some sense into my husbadn so he can see what he is about to lose and give a damn enough to change for the better for all our sake...
- invisiblestepmom's blog
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Change what you can
Change what you can yourself......don't try to change anyone but your self. It doesn't work! It's don't the end of the world......everyone is in one way or other in financial problems with how the market is right now. So worry less and make a plan.....sit down with your husband and talk on how to fix the problem not blaming one another for getting here.....you are ALREADY HERE now let get out of the hole. Maybe he can take an extra job and you can too......team up with the kids care and talk to the mortgage company they will come down alot on the balance and mortage monthly payments. Change what you can and jump into your day with a positive way of thinking.....good luck and I here for you sweetie...hugs Ani
Thanks for the encouragemtn,
Thanks for the encouragemtn, support and way to look at it positively.
I totally want to let go of the blame and figure out away out of this mess, unfortunately I am the one doing all the digging, even though we both buried us...my husband is the type to blame everyone but himself, maybe because he really does blame himself on the inside but keeps that from all of us especcially me. The tough guy thing is very annoying right now. I just need a firm shoulder to cry on not a hard ass blaming me for all our problems. I need a partner to probelms solve this situation with me and he is the one with some options but refuses to use any of them...So we may lose everything because he wont temporarily give up his car or borrow agaisnt his 401K...if I had those options I would do that for us but I have nothing but 60 hour work weeks to help us get buy...I've laredy put up with 11 years of my step son doing that, and the past two years of my step daughter joining that club...now DH is right there with them. It frustrating because he will yell at me about the finances in front of the kids...so they blame me and resent me for us being broke but what they don't know is I AM THE ONE PURCHASING THEIR GIFTS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES CLOTHING, FOOD, INTERNET SERVICE, ETC...so yeah resent me now...and dont ask for anything else in the future