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Update on the "Big Girl Bra"

stpmommyof2's picture

When I got home from work yesterday, I explained to my SD6 that she is too young to be wearing a padded bra, if she wanted to wear a half undershirt that is fine, but NO padded bras – at least not at my house. BM came to pick up the SD last night. Not 20 minutes after she left I got a text message from BM telling me SD was upset that I told her she can’t wear her “big girl” bra. SO WHAT!!! She is 6! She is not wearing it at my house – end of discussion!

Misfit – you are right…when I asked SD about the bra she told me that BM bought it for her because she kept asking her for it. C’mon, if your 6yo begs you for something over and over again that you know they shouldn’t have are you just going to give in to shut them up? No, you’re going to be the parent and say NO…my parents did!


buttercookie's picture

Only reason it works for DROOPY is you BF allows it. My husband did/does the same thing. It just gets more expensive when they are older and want more expensive "TOYS"

Jbee27's picture

I would be ashamed. How on earth could this coot think it would be ok for a CHILD (not even close to being a pre teen) to wear a PADDED BRA!!!!
What is this world coming to? That little girl is still practically a toddler. Is the BM TRYING to scar her daughter? This sexualizing of little children has god to stop!

Jbee27's picture

Which is totally ridiculous. The only reason a pre teen would need a bra is if they developed REALLY early.
Not because Matel puts them on Bratz dolls!

DISbelief's picture

Thong underwear and thigh high stockings?? With gaurder belt of course! What 6 year old doesn't have that?!?!? I was just thinking about my BD.. she is 6. All cuddled up in my lap last night reading me a Disney book. I can't imagine buying her a bra. She took a TOY to school for show and tell today for crying out loud. They are still BABIES!!!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

DISbelief's picture

I can't believe she even tried to defend that. She is a piece of work for sure!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

Lilly's picture

I feel the same way, too young. I would keep the padded bras out of my house..
what is the rush to grow up, OMG!

buttercookie's picture

Since most the clothes that SM's buy disappear anyhow when they enter the realm of the BM's house why don't you just do some reverse disappearing. Tell her it got damaged in the washer and throw it away. Make the BM have to keep buying her new ones until she stops sending them your way. 6 is way too young for a padded bra. What's wrong with this woman. Sheesh.

buttercookie's picture

Since most the clothes that SM's buy disappear anyhow when they enter the realm of the BM's house why don't you just do some reverse disappearing. Tell her it got damaged in the washer and throw it away. Make the BM have to keep buying her new ones until she stops sending them your way. 6 is way too young for a padded bra. What's wrong with this woman. Sheesh.

stpmommyof2's picture

Thanks for all your comments. It's so nice to know that after arguing with the BM over this that I'm not crazy to think she should not be wearing a padded bra. Yes, she defended this - her exact words were this: "A decision that isn't yours does not make it a bad one." Please, this is an obvious bad decision, just admit it and we'll move on - without the bra! Wink

stpmommyof2's picture

Buttercookie - I tried that but DH wouldn't let me keep the bra. He and I both told BM that SD was NOT to wear the bra anywhere but BM's house and for dress up only. I asked DH if he really wants to send the bra back to the same crazy B that bought the damn thing in the first place?!?!?!?!

buttercookie's picture

If this kid is in school and wears it there it's gonna set off alarms in the teacher's head. Maybe since you can't stop this crazy woman from doing this stuff natural consequences will occur meaning the teachers or other adults will start looking out for this kid. This woman is sick, sick, sick. NOONE in their right mind buys a 6 year old a padded bra. What's next a strippers pole in her bedroom?

stpmommyof2's picture

I just think that it's funny that her only defense is that it's none of my business. How is it not? Someone needs to step up and make sure she is taken care of. DH doesn't know the first thing about bras. It just makes me sick to think that my poor little SD thinks its OK because mommy said so.

stepmomto3's picture

I'm glad to know we're not the only ones going through this! Although DH did not agree with sending the padded bra back home with SD8, we did purchase bras that were appropriate for her. I personally do not think she needs to wear any bras as she is not developing. but if she wants to wear a sports bra and it doesn't attract the neighborhood skeevies, then thats fine with me. She will need to get used to it sooner or later. But definitely a padded bra is out of the question. Not only did BM completely lose her lid, not even allowing DH to give his reasonings, she told him she was no longer going to send clothes with the children when we have visitation. She said "the kids can wear what I want them to wear when they're with me and they can wear what you want them to wear when they're with you". Not only do I think that is completely dismissive of how that will affect the kids when they come to see us, it's also extremely childish. But whatever. So we mailed to her house the bras which we found to be much more acceptable for an 8 year old. We will have to see what happens when we have the children for visitation this coming weekend. So we have just come to realize that any situation in which BM feels she is not in complete control will result in harrassing and threatening phone calls from her. One day (maybe in my wildest dreams) she will realize we have the kid's best interest in mind and not our own. Good luck!

misfit's picture

Props to you for standing up for this cause. I couldn't believe it when you posted it first but it's nice to see you didn't just let that slide.
This might be TMI but your post made me think of my own body image the other day. I was looking at myself in the mirror thinking, "gosh I wish my body wasn't like this, I wish my boobs were more this and that, my butt, my thighs.."

Then I thought of my own mother who would put me down about my body, then of always being ashamed of the way I looked even though I looked good! At 14 being told my thighs are fatter than my best friend's and that I should lose weight. Then I thought of your SD, with her push up bra, and how easy it is to send mixed messages (obviously BM didn't mean to say "hey SD your boobies are too small, try to this push-up"). But everything counts. We all know young children are like sponges. At this time it may just be a push up bra to make her feel like a "lady" but later on when she inevitably finds something wrong with her body, that first push-up bra could have been a memory of wanting to "be something" so young.

I don't know if I've gone off to far on this one, but it just made me sad. And happy that you stood up for the cause Smile Kudos to you!

Also, SO has a DS Lite for Bacon to play games on. Originally he bought it for himself because I have one and we'd play games against each other. Bacon uses it every time he is here. He's obsessed. We don't let him take it back to BM because we'd never see it again. I guess he kept bugging BM about the game, not having it at home, but wanting to play. She called SO telling him (not asking) that he should buy Bacon a Kirby DS game because he's got one at home now.

I felt a little for BM there. The DS isn't cheap, she doesn't have a lot of money, but Bacon must have really bugged her ass about it.
It might seem like guilty parenting but we can all say, if your kid is nagging you over and over and over about something, sometimes the only thing to do is give in.

misfit's picture

let me correct myself..."give in" within reason and logic..

NOT A push up bra for a 6 y/o!!!

yesican's picture

I am amazed that bm could find a bra for a 6yr old. I agree that you should not let her wear it in your home. The rules are different for each home and at least you and your dh can instill value in her while she is with you two. Someone in her life needs to be role models and obviously bm is not.

...the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it. - The Lion King