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OT - I want to work from home! Any ideas?

FutureSM's picture

I want to find a job working from home. I miss my daughter and want to spend more time with her. I feel like I could enrich her little mind WAY more than they do at daycare, but when I get off work I am EXHAUSTED and need to relax/wind down.

I may be feeling this way because FH has been out of work since June. And it's starting to get to me. I have so much around the house I want to do, and no time to do it! So frustrating.


RustyHalo's picture

I sell health insurance. I bought the materials and self studied - took the test - passed the first time and now I'm an agent. My brother owns his own brokerage firm and we buy leads that show up right in my email and I just call them. NO COLD CALLING! In addition, to that, we sign companies and we hit up everyone we know and in this economy, everybody is looking to save. I sent out letters to friends and family and got lots of clients that way, also. I have worked from on days when I had other stuff to do there, but I find that I'm more productive at the office. There isn't any laundry piled up, there's no stocked fridge, there isn't dusting to do, etc.........

******My daddy always said: "It's better to be a SMARTASS, than a DUMBASS!******

southernbelle's picture

My BFF works for an agency that makes calls to set appts or appt reminders for Dr's offices all over town. She makes $16 an hour, and after her probationary period will make more plus be able to work from home.
Another friend is a real estate agent, so pretty much sets her own hours, arranges visits to fit her schedule. I'd love to work with a real estate agent who would show homes after my work hours or on weekends, instead of only working on week days!

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

I'm due in February & I fully intend to stay home with the baby. My husband is in favor of this. **HOW** we're going to pull this off I have no clue! We're working really hard to pay down the little bit of debt we have, which would make our monthly bills a lot more manageable on one salary. Our expenses aren't extravagant & we don't go out very often or eat out or splurge on big ticket items. The basic cost of living is just so high compared to what my husband makes.

I figure that we can attempt to live on his salary alone & if we can't pull it off, I'll get a part-time job on nights or weekends to fill-in the gaps. But I would LOVE to do something from home so that we have a steady income besides his. This way maybe we can actually get somewhere rather than just get by. Our luck, he'll finally get a decent raise & BM will get custody of SD9 & then we'll be paying child support! I'm actually planning on this happening just in case it does! I'd rather be prepared. (Especially if he DOESN'T get a raise & ends up having to pay child support. That will really hurt us.)

I've been feeling like you have for a while now. The work piles up at home & there's no time to get caught up. I actually take days off of work in order to clean the house, organize, make phone calls, handle financial issues, etc. It's really sad! But if I don't do this from time to time, I get stressed that I'm falling so behind. I already spend most of my time at work wishing I was at home getting things done, I can't imagine how I'd feel being stuck at work while my baby is in daycare. I hope you can figure something out. If I come up with anything, I'll let you know!!!

sweetSM's picture Squeegie. I am a member here but I mostly just lurk and read because my situation isn't very dramatic at all. But I am also due to give birth in February and currently on unemployment since I got laid off. I'd love to work from home. I'm not very keen on the idea of using daycare services. But we can't afford for me not to work. But thanks for these ideas, I'm going to look into these suggestions.

Chele's picture

that I came across called, that has postings of at home jobs, and they apparently weed out the scams. I just found out about this site, as I'm looking to do the same. Just started a writing position on, but it's not to much $$ in it. I also sell soy candles(i love them so it's fun for me and makes some good mad money) I would still like to get a good writing job though, so I'm still hunting. ~ " I'm awful sorry you got pissed, just have to cross you off the list, of my true friends." PHISH~