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uwouldtry's Blog

SM's never get the credit they deserve...

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As I stated before my SS12 has one week with us and one week with BM rotating. Both parents work, and I stay home. I am the one who helps him work through the issues he's having with his parents, I'm the one who takes him for his checkup's, and I'm the one who I feel knows my SS the most (as I spend the most time with him). I am literally sick of hearing BM tell my husband that my SS has such issues with us and that we lack ability to care for his needs as a young adult. This is coming from a woman who works two jobs, one being an adult entertainer in the evening.

I think I may explode!!!!!

uwouldtry's picture

I have been a step mom for over ten years, and the judge that did the custody battle for my husband was not in his right mind. He (mind you, over ten years ago) left both parents with joint custody with no desiginated primary. My SS spends one week with us and one week with his mother, rotating. His schooling was designated to remain in the elementary school he was attending and every subsequent school thereafter. The ex decided to relocate to another county three years ago, but we kept him in the court ordered school, now this past summer we moved out of county also.