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Overworked and Underappreciated.

unbelieveable's picture

How many of you have the monster in law or future monster in law from hell? I am actually a member of a website called or something close to that. My future mother in law is such a nutjob. She is a jealous freak who can't seem to get over the fact that she is not her son's lover. Sometimes I think she would still breastfeed them if she could. I'm not kidding. She is crazy. Anyway, the situation is that DH still lives with parents while I am in college and working, he of course works full time as well. We're never really there. We're saving up and sometimes when she goes on one of her crazy rants and freaks out we come to my parents house...who are normal.

Anyway, to my short story...I buy the girls their clothes and shoes. Nothing goes home anymore to BM house because..well you know - you never get it back and I've taken your advice on here and I wash the clothes they came in and send them home in those. So for Christmas I bought them more clothes and cute boots to keep at their dad's for the weekend. I found this really great deal on the cutest fleece crewneck sweaters. Buy one get one free! So I was so excited that I got them these and my grandma bought them velour pants to match them. I take them in the living room to show future monster in law and all she can say is..."Did you even get them the right size?"...she does this to me every time I purchase them things, like I don't know what I am doing because I didn't have a child when I was 17...forgive me for keeping my pants on. She NEVER buys them anything but pj's...they have 12 pairs each- they do not need anymore! I looked at her and I said, "Excuse me...I have been buying their clothes and shoes for the last 3 years...I think I know what they like and what sizes they wear." I am soooo irritated that she does not appreciat the fact that I work just to help buy them groceries and their clothing. I HELP SUPPORT HER grandchildren. Do you think she ever once said, "I am so glad my son has met someone who does so much and who is so involved with his children?" NOT ONCE. Ungrateful jerk.

More tomorrow night...I have so many stories I could write a book. I have soooo much to say but it's bed time and I have to work at 7 a.m.


StepandFetchit's picture

Ah yes, the dreaded has taken me nearly 11 years just to be acknowledged as a human being
and yet I'm still treated as though I'm not in the room or worse yet, an extra appendage to my DH.

Nothing like having a big meal, entertaining DH's herd, only to have everyone thanking DH for the lovely time
and banquet. Like I'm the freaking food fairy that he has programmed for such occasions. @@ (eyeroll)

Man of the house takes on new meaning...>>cough<<


God is Great, Beer is Good, People are Crazy