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I feel like DH betrayed me

Terri54's picture

SS and I have never gotten along. Mainly because he never had any use for me once he knew he could not manipulate me. He's told lies about me to anyone who will listen etc.

Several years ago, SS was mad at me when I was telling him NOT to do something for the millionth time when he got so mad at me, he drew back a fist on me. He didn't hit me but the look in his eyes was scary. Almost like he if thought for a second he could get away with it, he would. His dad was in the next room so needless to say, I called for him to come in there.

DH & SS are not hunters by any means and in my opinion, SS has an unhealthy obsession with guns and weapons in general. His dad has let him play all the shoot up video games since he's five years old even when the label clearly stated that the person should be like 17 or older.

Anyway, a few years ago, his aunt bought him a BB gun without running it past me or my DH. I was quite upset. Eventually, I made my husband put it up behind locked door in our bedroom. DH knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did not want him around any kind of weapon what so ever. He knew I was fearful of my SS without a weapon of any kind much less with one. A bb gun can be used as a weapon. So imagine my surprise when I find out yesterday that not only is there another gun but my DH knew it was bought by his uncle. I was first told that this happened years ago but then the story started changing. Finally today, I found the receipt in SS room. It was bought this past Thanksgiving. DH knew it was bought and allowed it in my home knowing how I feel about him having it. I consider this deeply deceitful and feel very betrayed by my DH. Am I over reacting? I feel like my DH had no respect for me or my feelings. Again,am I over reacting? Please advise.


floridianmama's picture

No you're not overreacting at all! My SS Mother just sent him a compound bow and set of arrows for his 10th birthday. He has autism and cant even remember to wipe his own ass. We are a family of 6 with a one year old baby and we live in the suburbs not f****** North Dakota. I freaked. I said no way is he keeping this we're returning to sender. And in the middle of that my husband looks at him and says I will seriously have to consider this. WTF! I get pissed and DH Says I'm not going to let him keep that I just was trying to prevent him from getting upset. SS wasn't upset at all for the record he understands how I feel about weapons. I'm so pissed my husband would say that after agreeing that It can't stay. Bio mother simply sent it to p*** me off. Either that or she doesn't care about her own sons life. So no you're not overreacting in the least!

overworkedmom's picture

If you aren't comfortable in your house with guns of any kind, then this is one instance where your DH really needs to respect that. I am not sure how to go about getting your point across any more than you have. You really aren't being left any other options except removing them yourself or at the very lest making him buy a safe to store everything in and that only the adults know the combo.