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stormabruin's Blog

I found something but haven't told DH...

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So, when I moved in with DH 8 years ago, we did a whole "BM Clean-Out" while skids were with her for visitation one weekend. I helped him pack up her kajillion angel/fairy/Goddess/cherub knick-knacks & trinkets, I organized all of their family photos, boxed up BM's families photos, took BM's pictures off the walls & packed them away, etc. There was A LOT of her crap laying ALL OVER that house that had been there since she left 3 years prior. DH said he didn't want to upset the kids by putting it all out of sight. What it came down to was that he didn't want to deal with it.

Why does it seem kids always side with BM?

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SS had a bad habit of bringing things up regarding things that happened between DH & BM through their separation for the sake of argument. One example: When skids were small, BM accused DH of slapping her & she filed for a protective order. DH wasn't allowed at their house. When DH's father passed away he left DH all of his tools. DH kept them locked in the garage. SS watched BM break the window of the garage so she could get to his tools & she sold them to the men she was sleeping with at the time...4 of DH's "friends".

Our dreaded Father's Day brought a nice surprise!

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So, DH hasn't heard anything from his kids since last July. I give him a card & gift each year because I want him to know that he has my support regardless of what his kids think. I didn't mention anything about it Father's Day morning. I didn't want to bring it to his mind if it wasn't already there. He did bring it up about 15 minutes into the morning & was sad. I went ahead & gave him his card & his gift. Tears came while he was reading his card & we talked for a few minutes. Then he was finished.

As an individual...not necessarily a parent or a stepparent, what drives you?

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This started out as a response to a comment Crayon made about being drawn to men who are broke...financially & emotionally. When I finished my thoughts, I decided I needed to post a new blog about it, so as not to change the path of someone elses blog.

OT - We brought 6 new babies home last night!

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We now have 10 English Bulldogs in our home. My oldest baby girl had 6 puppies last night. She started the first stages of labor around 8:00pm, so I had to stay up with her so we could get her to the vet when it was time. Her visible contractions started around 12:30am & the vet met us at the clinic at 1:30am for the cesarean.

DH is home with her today & tomorrow to make sure things are good with them. I'm running on no sleep & can't wait to get home & lay my head on my pillow.

Anyone know of any?

stormabruin's picture

I read the book, "Divorce Poison", & found it very helpful...not so much in solving the PAS problems in our situation, as I believe skids have fallen much too deep into it for any resolve to be possible right now. I think the only hope we have will come as they grow & experience life themselves.

I have been wanting to find a book, maybe about adults who were victims of PAS as children, where maybe it would discuss them realizing that they were PAS'd, & how they came to realize it.

New FB pics

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So, as many of you know, the only way DH & I are able to keep up with skids are by watching their Myspace & Facebook pages. SD13 posted new pics this morning. Her update: "OMG! Snakebites go pop! pop! My mama took me yesterday & I got my snakebites!"

Yep. She has 2 rings through her bottom lip.
