herewegoagain's Blog
OT-went to Yoga...came out stressed...sigh
For years I have been wanting to do yoga. Last year and the year before I spent way too much time sick...the stress of homeschooling, the ex, an autistic kiddo and having to work so that we can eat took a great toll on me. DH is always in front of people telling me how "I should do something for myself". I finally said "yes I will!" I was so excited to go to Yoga today. I got my outfit yesterday, DH was nice about it...claimed he was so happy I was doing something for me.
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OT-in memory of Lulu, donate to help abused animals
I wish we could have been there for Lulu...I am so very sorry your beautiful life came to an end. I hope that you know how much we care, by making donations to protect abused animals around the country.
May you RIP...
I just donated here in memory of Lulu...use this site or any other to help our best friends.
Thank you.
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OT-find this thread about found money...some have already found theirs..
I thought I would post again as there was lots of spam last night and possibly this gets lost...Go to this link for the original message. A few here have already found some money.
OT-unclaimed child support and money...I just realized I have some out there! wohoo!
OK, so I was playing on the internet and ran into this site again. I read that you can put "child support" in the last name and it will give you a list of ALL the child support checks that are out there in "la la land" lol Of course, you can also search by your name and it's free.
CS is not enough, but if we don't send it, you scream lol
OK, so I have never understood this crazy witch. Of course, as many others, she has always complained that "it's not enough", it's crap, blah, blah, blah...So, why is it that if we don't send it you freak? I mean, really, if it's so little that it's crap and it's not enough to support your dumb loser kid, then you shouldn't miss it if it's not sent...idiot. Just goes to show what a liar she is and most.
Anyway, we have always sent it and then it was garnished...but I will never understand this stupid logic! Oh, wait, there is no :sick:
OT-hope everyone is ok in DFW area with the tornadoes
Just heard and watching tv...hope everyone is ok...please let us all know if you are ok or if there is anything anyone here can do for you if you suffer any damage...
OT-signs that you should RUN, not walk away while you are dating...
So today I did some thinking and realized, "wow, the did I miss them? why didn't I put two and two together?" And with that, here is what I have realized in the last 12 years. Please add your own...maybe together we can help others who are seeing these signs and don't realize the impact it will later have in their life. Here are some of mine...I'll add more later :sick:
OT-You are waiting for the right time to see your parents and want ME to come? lol
So today talking to DH he says something about he plans to go see his parents at SOME point, but that they do not have his number, etc...I told him that they should at least have a contact for him because if something were to happen to any of them, I don't want them calling MY parent's home.
So, although he stated NOBODY had a way to contact him, he then says that his brother has his work number...So of course, as I say nothing I am thinking..."ah, once again you can't stop yourself from lying to me about something." Whatever.
OT-26 yr old "kids" who think some of us are "too negative"
I tell's so darn funny to hear some people say to me "you are just so negative"...and then they post all kinds of "life is beautiful" and "it's those who are negative that cause the problems" crap on their facebook...or actually tell you about.
OT-a little...5 1/2 more months...praying...
cause otherwise, I might lose it...although it does seem like it was months ago when I said 6 more months... lol (CS that is)...we'll see
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