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gtrmom's Blog

Need to vent...

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I am so nervous about next week! DH & I got a letter from SD's school asking for a meeting with the counselor, teacher, and who know who else. I believe that SD is in the spectrum, but I don't want her to go to special classes. I believe that it is her social skills that make her an ESE student, not her intelligence. She is a smart kid, she just doesn't know how to relate to other kids her age. I think that by putting her in a special class it will make her more of an outsider and she may never learn how to relate to kids her age.

I think I finally grew a pair!!!

gtrmom's picture

Well, tonight I think I finally grew a pair of "cahones"!! SD is out of town visiting family and so I decided to take to opportunity to speak with "D"H. I told him that it wasn't fair that he never asks me IF I can schedule appointments or take SD to them or fix whatever it is SD needs; that he simply ASSumes I am able to do it all. I told him that I work too and that it isn't easy for me to get out of work ALL the time to be taking HIS child to all the appointments he expects me set for her.

not very long, but still need to get it out there..

gtrmom's picture

I made a medical appointment for SD today and called DH to let him know (because if you have read my previous post I am the family personal assistant). I tell him that her appointment is scheduled for XX day in Sept at XX:XX time, which is during the work day... duh, right?! So he says... "ok, thanks!" YAY, he said thank you, but the conversation doesn't end there... I then tell him to write it down on his calendar so that he knows the date, his response "oohh, I'm taking her?!!?" :O

In need of venting!!

gtrmom's picture


Ok feel a bit better... I so want to bitch slap DH and go to a place where I can be alone for a few days, no work, no kids (step or bio), AND NO DH!!! I am tired of driving people around, making all DH's appointments & reminding him of them, cooking and being told that I need to add more recipes to my repertoire, constantly being nagged about why they can't watch TV, and the list goes on...

I just realized...

gtrmom's picture

that so many of the BM's we have to deal with have so many problems with addiction. I am not sure if some of us just associate them with drugs or substance abuse, but it is shocking to most of the posts talk about BM's having drug problems. There should def be a special site, just for SP, where we can all go and exchange stories about BM's drug problems. SD's BM is addicted to meth, prescription pills, and god knows what else; she was arrested on 2 occasion because she was in a "mobile meth lab"? What the hell is that?

Did I do wrong? I have questions, can you guys help? Please

gtrmom's picture

SO I think I may have overstepped my boundaries with MIL.

SIL has recently married a guy who has a kid, so she has joined the ranks and now understands most of my frustrations for the past 8 years. SIL's SD ask MIL, her new grandma, what she should call her and I stepped in and said, "grandma, of course!!" :O ooopppsss, then I was quiet... uummm, did I just say that?? is what I said in my head.

Road Trip!! wwwooohhoo??

gtrmom's picture

We have decided to go on a family road trip, it has gone well but I miss home.

Both SD & BS have been great on this trip, no major drama. We apparently didn't get the donuts SD likes so we got a little offa that and she doesn't want to share her toys with BS (who is 4 so I try to keep him out of her stuff), but what ANNOYS me, is that she WANTS to play with all HIS toys. I tell that she needs to be fair, if she wants him to share, then she should do the same. He at times wants to hold a Barbie and play with her & she gets upset, but ohh well sibling rivalry.
