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Divorce Final 9/19/16

cpguru21's picture

Divorce was final Monday. I dont really have any feelings one way or the other at this point. She still wants to be friends. I could care less if she gets run over by a bus.

Talked with my son the other day and he voiced that he was happy he and I were together, and that things are much better without BM there. It was very satisfying to hear. I still go to my grandsons football games and birthday party (they are step to me, but my sons nephews). So nice to go home and live my own life.

Now what to do next .... }:)


cpguru21's picture

We talked about her also and I told him that the best thing he can be is happy for her in her new life, do not hold a grudge or resentment it will just eat at you and fester. Things just roll off his back so I dont think he will have any long term issues, although I could see him just get sick of her years later. I push him to be the better person and try to take people as they are, dont let them hurt you, control emotions and take things day by day. Try to find the good in everyone. We all have faults.

We had the conversation of shoe on the other foot so to speak. I told him to imagine if it wasnt his mom, and you heard a story of someone living in a hetero relationship even though they were gay, and the emotion that gay person would go through. I dont want him to hate his mom. If that happens it will have nothing to do with me and everything to do with her and her selfish ways.

I will do my best to support him the best way I know how.

Thanks and its congrats. Just wish I had the nerve to leave a long time ago. I am to loyal if there is such a thing these days.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Even if your son does not always tell you, just remember the child remembers the parent that stays by their side; they are the one they call first; they are the one they can count on.

That never changes.....I am happy to say.

He'll always call you first.....He knows you will be there!

cpguru21's picture

I wish he had 2 parents to count on but I know I will always be there for him. We have a great relationship and I intend to keep it that way. He is the reason I got through all this unscathed. The X actually did both of us a favor Smile

Acratopotes's picture

just stop it...

your kid does not need 2 parents, he has one great parent, so make sure you stay being a great parent ...
teach him things, talk to him but still be the parent..

I raised mine all on his own, he's 20 this year and will easily tell people it was better having my mum then some kids mums and dads... we did things together I did not spoil him with fancy tech toys.. bord games are still our thing

Acratopotes's picture

Never be friends with an Ex - she says that cause she does not want to loose the money you provided...

cut all ties to her if possible...

what to do next }:) }:) }:) find another woman with brats to marry and go through the same hell Blum 3

cpguru21's picture

Rinse Wash Repeat hahahaha

I have a friend who has one and he is 17 senior in high school and is off with the guards as soon as he graduates. Hes a good kid. It might work into something serious.

Yes I was really nice through the divorce (there was a parcel of land involved) but now its over, just cutting ties completely. Good advice. Thanks.